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Members’ Meetings

We will be holding virtual members’ meetings in 2022 for each of the home nations. This format was piloted in 2021 in response to feedback from the virtual members’ meeting held in July 2020, and the attendance was much higher than at meetings previously held in person at BHS HQ.  

  • Last reviewed: 29th June 2022
Equine House Equine House

Meet the BHS

Details of how to join each meeting will be advertised via e-news and social media in the run up to each. If you have any questions that you would like to submit in advance to your nation’s virtual meeting in your nation, then please feel free to send them to As ever, if you have anything that you would like to raise with our Chairman or if you would like to be in contact with one of our subject-specific Trustees, then you can do so by emailing the same address.  

We look forward to meeting with you in 2022! 

Virtual National Members’ Meetings 2022

Wales - Tuesday 7 June - 18:30

England - Tuesday 13 June - 18:30

Northern Ireland & the Republic of Ireland - Monday 7 November - 18:30

Scotland - Monday 12 December - 18:30