The LeMieux All Star Academy series returns to Horse & Country this autumn, featuring eight hopeful riders competing for the crown of All Star Champion. The series was filmed at BHS Approved Talland School of Equitation with Pammy Hutton FBHS.
The BHS were pleased to support the series by sponsoring one of the daily challenges, and the BHS coaching challenge saw the contestants take it in turns to deliver a flatwork lesson to each other in their pairs. Nick Gauntlett FBHS was present to guide the contestants and give advice on how to get the most out of their coaching experience.
We asked Nick and Pammy what they were looking for in the challenge winner. “We looked for someone who is receptive, has taken suggestions on board and wants to improve, because that’s what being a coach is all about. We looked at the rapport and communication between coach and rider. The challenge really showed that being a good rider doesn’t necessarily make you a good coach, so it’s important to take your BHS qualifications if you want to move up the levels and make a career out of coaching - you really do need to be taught how to coach.”