In September, three successful pleasure rides were held in the North West and enjoyed by a number of riders! The ever-popular Formby Beach Ride allowed access over dunes normally inaccessible to horses – thanks to National Trust Formby – and riders loved the chance to explore more of the beautiful landscape at Formby. See photos from the ride on our NW Facebook page.
The Towneley Park Pleasure Ride was attended by over 60 riders and traversed beautiful parkland and bridleways. The Mayor of Burnley, Cosima Towneley, was in attendance and the ride raised money for her chosen charities as well as for the BHS. See photos from the ride on our NW Facebook page.
The third annual Isle of Man Pleasure Ride crossed a variety of terrain, including forests and common land, some of which is not usually accessible to riders - thanks to the DEFA for allowing access for the ride. Over 40 equestrians enjoyed the day with rider Ann Atkinson commenting that “[it was] a super day. Ginger and I really enjoyed ourselves. It all flowed so smoothly.” See photos on the Isle of Man Facebook page.
As these rides took place following the sad passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the patron of the BHS, black armbands were worn by many riders and volunteers in memoriam.
Both the Formby Beach Ride and the Isle of Man Ride were fundraising for Ride Out UK, a BHS campaign that works to preserve and improve equestrian access across the UK.
The running of our pleasure rides is only made possible thanks to all the volunteers who give their time to help organise and run the events, so a huge thank you goes to them. If you’re interested in taking part in any of these rides next year or would like to hear about other events we’re running in the North West, make sure to like our Facebook page to stay up-to-date!