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Anglian Distance Riders

Anglian Distance Riders (ADR) - a BHS Affiliated Equestrian Access Group

How to apply

Email Vikki Roberts

Location details

Suffolk, UK

About Anglian Distance Riders (ADR)

Anglian Distance Riders are pleasure riding group, we have at least one ride a month from January to October. Our rides are generally about 10 miles long sometimes slightly longer sometimes shorter, can take as long as you like to accomplish our ride no pressure just pleasure. We are open to members and non-members alike and can provide a ride buddy for nervous riders or horses first times or just need a confidence giver.

Our rides are in Suffolk and Norfolk, with the odd one out at Cambridgeshire. They vary from forest, to parkland, to farm headlands and maybe a bridleway or two, a varied ride list.

We offer a membership which provides your own bib to keep with ride tags for each of our rides also entry fees are then are at a reduced rate. We also provide a ride card to collect your miles from our rides and any other rides you might do, which can count towards trophies, rosettes when handed in at the beginning of November. We then celebrate the awards at our AGM in December with a lovely social evening, meal, raffle and a great atmosphere with friends to mark the end of our riding year. Then we do it all again our first ride of the year in January.

We are a friendly, supportive club doing what we all love to do, riding on our wonderful steeds, in wonderful places and company

To find out more: 

Area covered: Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire