How to apply
Email Rochdale and Bury Bridleways Association
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About Rochdale and Bury Bridleways Association (RBBA)
Rochdale and Bury Bridleways Association (RBBA) has been in existence for over 30 years. RBBA have worked to keep open public rights of way available to equestrians in Bury and Rochdale. RBBA have submitted numerous DMMOs in both areas, some based on user evidence and some on Historical evidence. We have dealt with 3 public inquiries, 2 successfully in Rochdale and one we are awaiting the decision on in Bury this year. RBBA have a presence on Bury Local Access Forum and our Chair, Lesley Tierney, is Vice Chair of Bury LAF. We have lobbied Bury Council for equestrian access to cycleways and have had some success in this area. We comment on planning applications which impact bridleways and byways and have had some success in causing applications to be refused because of their adverse effect on the PROW. RBBA are members of the National Federation of Bridleways.
Pre pandemic RBBA held monthly meetings for our members, inviting speakers and holding quizzes. RBBA hope to get back to this this year now things are safer.
In 2017, RBBA were awarded The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service and 2 of our committee at the time, Gill Morrell and Irene Pope, attended a garden party at Buckingham Palace.
Area covered: Bury & Rochdale, Greater Manchester