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Our vision and purpose

For horses. For people. For life.

  • Last reviewed: 24th March 2025
Riding Out Parkway Riding Out Parkway

Our vision is for every horse to be respected, protected and enjoyed by knowledgeable, caring people.

We're here to help horses and everyone who cares for them to enjoy the best possible life together - For horses. For people. For life.

Our Strategic Plan 2025-2027

We’re really excited to share with you what we believe to be an ambitious, inclusive plan that will drive BHS forward and guide our focus over this three-year period. Together, our intention is to achieve high-impact outcomes across Horse Care and Welfare, Access, Safety, Education and Participation, building on all our combined achievements from the last five years.

2025-2027 Outcomes

Protecting the future of horses in society

Outcome: Our collective voice and network will influence national policy-making, safeguarding the horse’s place in society.

We're totally committed to finding ways to harness the strength of the entire BHS team and work with our partners in the sector to lobby for positive change and to influence decision-makers.

The difference we'll collectively make:

  1. We’ll see changes in legislation, policy and government advice on those priority topics that matter most, benefitting equestrians and horses
  2. We'll be working with policy-makers to change attitudes to and understanding of equestrian issues and we’ll be asking for support from all our members and stakeholders to help influence local politicians and to make a difference
  3. Public attitudes to horses in sport and recreation will be improved.
We're here to help

Outcome: Everyone involved with horses will know that BHS is their go-to organisation for support and resources.

We want to share our knowledge with more people, making sure everyone involved with horses knows about what we offer, and how we are working to improve equine wellbeing across the UK.

The difference we'll collectively make:

  1. More non-BHS-approved centres will know how BHS can help them
  2. More horses will be helped through training and wellbeing support
  3. More people will be engaged in our work.
Safer roads and better off-road routes

Outcome: A more connected network of off-road access will be available and road safety will be enhanced, reducing the number of equestrians and their horses killed or seriously injured.

We all know (and our research confirms this) that riding on the road is a major source of anxiety for equestrians. Safer roads and better off-road routes have always been a priority for us. We'll continue to do all we can to create and protect a more connected network of off-road access and we’ll work unremittingly to continually improve road safety.

The difference we will collectively make:

  1. A higher percentage of equestrians feeling safer on the road
  2. More equestrian access routes protected or improved
  3. Less horse and rider deaths and injuries on the roads.
Everyone is welcome

Outcome: Horses and riding will be more accessible for everyone.

It’s important for the future of equestrianism that we make horses and riding more accessible. Whatever your ability, background, culture or identity, you’re welcome to be part of our horsey community. We want more people everywhere to experience the feeling that horses and people share.

To be a success, this approach needs to run through everything we all do, both nationally and locally.

The difference we'll collectively make:

  1. An increase in the diversity of people involved with equestrianism
  2. Growth in our membership numbers
  3. Growth in participation at BHS and British Riding Club events and at centres.
One team working together

Outcome: Our BHS collective team of volunteers, centres, APCs and employees will be an inclusive, diverse community, providing opportunities for growth and development.

We want those closest to us to always feel valued and an integral part of the team, and we’re committed to introducing new initiatives that will help us to develop together.

The difference we'll collectively make:

  1. More volunteers will support us with their time and volunteer satisfaction will increase
  2. An increase in the diversity of new hires and volunteers
  3. More Coaching4All qualified coaches.

Five significant, specific programmes will underpin our 2025-2027 strategy in order to make as big an impact as possible:

  • Listening and responding to what all horse lovers want: staying connected to what matters
  • Growing volunteer impact: implementing our Volunteer Strategy
  • Everyone Welcome initiative: make it a reality across the UK
  • Protecting our planet: reduce our environmental impact and help others to do the same
  • Embracing technology: improving our effectiveness and responsiveness.

Together, we'll continue to make a profound impact on the equestrian world. Join us in this exciting journey to create a brighter future for horses and the people who love them. Let's make every stride count!