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BHS Stages

Discover our full range of BHS qualifications and your pathway to success.


  • Last reviewed: 5th March 2025
Princess Royal Bhs Ingestre Stables 16Nov23 129 Edited Copy Princess Royal Bhs Ingestre Stables 16Nov23 129 Edited Copy

The BHS can offer you plenty of opportunities in your professional career. With BHS qualifications you can showcase a diverse range of skills to potential employers, making you an attractive candidate in the competitive equestrian industry. Choose the BHS as your partner in professional development and together, we can achieve your goals.

BHS qualifications are generally known as  ‘Stages’. The most common route is to begin at Stage 1; our basic horse care and riding level, and then progress to the next Stage, and so on. You will build on your knowledge, skills and understanding at each Stage as you advance your career and experiences. Read more about BHS qualifications being the best choice for equine careers.

If you already hold equine qualifications, or already have significant work experience you may be able to apply for direct entry to Stage 2 or above.

Our qualifications are usually made up of more than one assessment. You can combine assessments to suit your career goals. The chart below summarises the assessments available at each Stage.

Coaching pathway**
Groom with Riding pathway*
Ride Leader pathway
Groom pathway
BHS Stage 1 Care Ride***
BHS Stage 2 (Foundation) Care Lunge Riding Out Ride Coaching
BHS Stage 3 Care Lunge Riding Out Ride Dressage Ride Jump Coaching Coaching4All
BHS Stage 4 (Senior) Care Management Lunge Ride for Training Eventing Ride for Training Dressage Ride for Training Show Jumping Coaching Eventing Coaching Dressage Coaching Show Jumping
BHSI Stable Managers Business Management Working from the Ground (lunge and long reining) Riding Riding Eventing Riding Dressage Riding Show Jumping Coaching Coaching Eventing Coaching Dressage Coaching Show Jumping
Fellowship of the BHS

*The Groom with Riding pathway requires one or both riding options to be completed at Stage 3, and one riding option to be completed from Stage 4 and above.

**The Coaching pathway requires one coaching option and one riding option to be completed from Stage 4 and above.

***Includes Ride Safe Silver Challenge Award. UK and Ireland only.

BHS Stages

Whether you have career aspirations of caring for horses, riding professionally, coaching the next generation or working in a different role within the equestrian industry, BHS qualifications will help you to get there. Follow the links below to explore the qualifications we offer from Stage 1 to BHSI through to Fellowship.

Why choose BHS qualifications?

Find out why you should choose BHS qualifications and where they can take you.

Why choose BHS qualifications
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How to train

Find out how to train for your BHS qualifications to start your journey.

How to train
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If you’re ready to take your assessment, find out everything you need to know.

Find/book an assessment
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