BRC hold qualifiers in each area across the UK and in order to enter, you will need to make a pre-entry to HQ via as well as an entry directly to the relevant Area organisers.
For all the information you may need on how you can qualify and relevant dates for the diary in your area, then please head over to our area qualifiers section
BRC proudly host:
- 6 national championships per year. These range from Intro to Advanced Medium Dressage and 60cm to 105cm show jumping.
- A virtual Dressage competition during the winter called the Christmas Cracker.
BRC Qualifiers & Championships are split between a summer and winter season.
Winter Season:
Winter Show Jumping Championships
Winter Dressage Championships; includes Dressage to Music & Quadrille
Arena Eventing Championships
Summer Season:
Horse Trials Championships
National Championships
Combined Championships
2025 Championship dates & venues:
BRC Championship entries can be made through Sport80 using this link:
Club Jumping Series & Virtual Competitions
Winter Championships
Summer Championships
Important Information
Hat Tagging & Body Protectors
For all of our BRC competitions, a hat meeting the current standards must be worn when mounted and it is strongly advised to wear one when leading.The current hat tagging standards can be found here.
Body protectors are mandatory for all cross-country competition and must be up to standard. Current body protector standards can be found here.
Flu Vaccinations & Microchips
All horses competing at area qualifiers and championships must meet our BRC flu vaccination guidelines.
These guidelines can be found in the BRC Handbook.
A handy flu vaccination checker can also be found here.
All horses attending BRC area qualifiers and championships must be microchipped.