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Booking Terms and Conditions

Please read our booking terms and conditions below carefully before booking your assessment. 

  • Last reviewed: 20th February 2025
Booking Terms And Conditions Booking Terms And Conditions

BHS Assessments Terms and Conditions

1. Scope

These Terms and Conditions apply to all BHS Assessments that are organised and delivered by the BHS Education Team.

By booking a BHS Assessment the candidate (or their parent/carer if under 18) agrees to the following Terms and Conditions.

2. Policies

It is strongly recommended that candidates, and a parent/carer of a candidate who is under 18 years of age, are familiar with BHS Education and Assessments Policies.

3. Booking Your Assessment

3.1. Preparing for your assessment

It is the candidate’s responsibility to understand the requirements of the qualification/assessment they are booking. It is the candidate’s responsibility to prepare effectively for the assessment. By booking an assessment, the candidate accepts this responsibility. For candidates under 18 it is the parent/carer’s responsibility.

3.2. Assessment discounts, bursaries and funds

A candidate with a discount code, bursary, or fund towards the cost of assessment must notify the Education Team at the time of booking in order to receive the discount.

Only one discount can be applied to an assessment booking and must be within the expiry of the discount code, voucher or deadline for bursary.

If you do not state you have a discount, bursary or fund towards the assessment fee and pay in full, you will forfeit the discount and no refund will be issued.

3.3. Timeframe

Assessment bookings close at least 15 working days prior to the assessment date. Applications received after the closing date will not be accepted.

Assessments that are delivered outside of the UK and Ireland will close for bookings 20 working days before the assessment date.

3.4. Height and weight

For ridden assessments, candidates must provide correct height and weight including their riding attire, at the time of booking. For horse safety and welfare, the BHS may not be able to accept a booking if the candidate’s weight exceeds the assessment centre’s weight limit for their horses.

If it is suspected that a candidate’s weight is in excess of the assessment centre’s weight limit, the assessment centre may request that the candidate be weighed. Candidates who are found to exceed their stated weight may be asked to withdraw from the assessment.

3.5. Booking confirmation

Booking is only confirmed once payment for the full assessment fee is received. The BHS cannot offer part payment schemes or hold places on assessments without payment.

Candidates will receive notification of an assessment date and centre. This confirmation is sent by email, therefore candidates must ensure a current email address is provided when booking an assessment. Candidates who do not receive confirmation within five working days of payment should contact the Education Team, as failure to arrive at an assessment may result in loss of fee.

It is the candidate’s responsibility to check the name as it appears on the booking confirmation, as this is the name that will appear on results and certificates. Failure to notify the BHS before the assessment day of any changes will incur a £25 fee to reprint any certificates.

3.6. Candidates under 18 years of age

The BHS must receive parent/carer consent for any assessment booking where the candidate is under 18 years of age on the day of the assessment. The BHS must be provided with a current email and telephone contact for a parent/carer to act as the emergency contact before and on the assessment. The emergency contact provided should be over 18 years old.

The BHS will email booking confirmation and an Emergency Contact Form to the candidate and to the parent/carer of the candidate. It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to complete the Emergency Contact Form on the day of the assessment, or for the candidate to bring a completed form with them to the assessment. Responsibility for the correct completion of this form, whether before or on the day of the assessment, lies with the parent/carer contact provided at the time of booking.

4. Skills Record

The Skills Record is a compulsory element of any Stage 2, Stage 3 and Stage 4 assessment. Upon booking a BHS Assessment, the candidate (or parent/carer of the candidate if they are under 18) accepts responsibility for ensuring a completed Skills Record is presented at their assessment.

A completed Skills Record means the section the candidate is taking on the day of the assessment has the required ‘Ready for Assessment’, ‘Coach Endorsement’, ‘Candidate Observation’ and/or ‘Trainer Endorsement’ completed in full. This must include the coach’s full name and membership number listed. If the candidate does not have photographic ID, the ‘My Details’ section must also be complete and signed with a photo of the candidate.

If a candidate cannot produce an appropriately completed Skills Record to the assessor before the assessment is due to begin the candidate will not be allowed to start the assessment and will be asked to leave the assessment centre.

The candidate will not be eligible for a refund of the assessment fee.

5. Pregnancy

Candidates who are pregnant should notify the Education Team by email at the earliest opportunity via our Access Arrangements online form.

We advise that the individual talks with their doctor/healthcare professional with an honest summary of what the assessment will entail in order to support a decision to undertake or withdraw from the assessment.

If a candidate wishes to take a BHS Riding or Lunge assessment (or the lunge or lead rein lesson of a BHS coaching assessment) while pregnant, they must supply written confirmation that they are fit to undertake the assessment provided by a doctor/healthcare professional.

A candidate may take any Care, Management or Coaching section/unit of a BHS assessment while pregnant, (with the exception of delivering a lunge or lead rein lesson) without the requirement of a fit note, however this is recommended.

A list of healthcare professionals we accept for providing a fit note is listed on the website. The fit note must specify it is for the purpose of your assessment and be dated for the date of your assessment/s.

For your health and safety we will inform the lead assessor and the assessment centre.

On the day of your assessment the lead assessor will consult you regarding health and safety and a specific risk assessment for the assessment. Be honest with the assessor regarding how you are feeling on the day and any medical advice you have been given with regards to your pregnancy.

At any point, should you wish to withdraw from your assessment our medical grounds transfers and cancellations conditions will apply.

Each individual is different and as such, the BHS will consider applications on a case-by-case basis. The BHS may cancel or postpone your assessment based on any of the evidence above.

6. Language of Assessment

Assessments will be conducted in the English language, except where formal translation arrangements are in place. Candidates unable to communicate effectively in English (where no such translation arrangements are in place) may be withdrawn from their assessment for safety reasons.

A request for a translator must be declared at the time of booking. The fee for a translator is payable by the candidate or a representative of the candidate.

Where a candidate’s first language is not English they are able to make the assessor aware of this via the Access Arrangements process.

Your Assessment

7. Candidate Identification (ID)

Photographic ID must be presented at the start of the assessment. If a candidate does not have photographic ID, the ‘My Details’ page in the Skills Record can be confirmed and completed with a photo. Failure to provide photographic ID will result in the candidate not being allowed to start the assessment and therefore forfeit the assessment fee.

8. Access arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments

The BHS Education Team, BHS assessors and BHS assessment centres are unable to accept any medical certificates or reasonable adjustment requests on the day of the assessment. If a candidate wishes to request access arrangements or reasonable adjustments to their assessment they must follow the Access Arrangements, Reasonable Adjustments and Special Consideration Policy.

9. Dress Guidance

9.1. Correct Dress

All candidates must wear the correct dress as advised in the ‘Dress Guidance for BHS Assessments’. We recommend clothing that is primarily safe and practical, and suitable for the given weather conditions. It is always a good idea to come in neat and tidy clothing to make a good impression, just as you would in any professional equestrian workplace.

9.2. Protective Headwear

‘Protective Headwear’ must be worn at all times for any activity that involves riding, lungeing, handling a horse and coaching ridden sessions. Harnesses must be correctly adjusted and fastened at all times. ‘Protective Headwear’ constitutes a hat which meets one of the current safety standards.

Only a jockey skull of an even round or elliptical shape with a smooth or slightly abrasive surface, having no peak or peak type extensions may be worn for cross country activities. It must also comply with the current safety standards. A removable hat cover or silk with a light flexible peak may be used.

9.3. Body Protectors

A body protector is mandatory for any cross country activity and is strongly recommended for any other ridden activity. A body protector may be compulsory for all ridden elements depending on the assessment centre’s policy. It is the candidate’s responsibility to check with the assessment centre. Body protectors should be fitted and worn as per the manufacturer's instructions. A body protector must comply with current safety standards.

9.4. Air Jackets

Air jackets should not be worn within groups of riders in an assessment situation. This is due to the increased risk of reaction of horses with other candidates. It is the candidate’s responsibility to contact the assessment centre for their consent should they wish to wear an air jacket.

If an air jacket is worn, it must comply with current safety standards.

10. Safeguarding

For full details for how we safeguard children and young people and adults at risk at BHS organised assessments, refer to our safeguarding policies. All assessors are current in first aid and safeguarding training. All assessors have the required Criminal Record check as per the guidelines set by the UK Nation or country of residence they live in.

BHS assessors may assess on a one-to-one basis with a candidate. The BHS is unable to provide a chaperone for the assessment. If this is a requirement we can look at this on an individual basis upon request via an Access Arrangement application.

10.1. Supervision

The BHS or the assessment centre cannot provide supervision for candidates during breaks and lunch time. The BHS strongly recommends that any candidate below the age of 18 years should be accompanied by a responsible adult who remains at the assessment centre for the duration of the assessment. For candidates aged 16-17, it is at the discretion of their parent/carer.

The accompanying adult may not observe the assessment. They are required to sign in and sign out the candidate as appropriate during the assessment.

If the accompanying adult leaves the assessment centre at any time, the responsibility for the candidate remains with the accompanying adult. It is the responsibility of the accompanying adult to leave emergency contact details with the assessor. It is the responsibility of this person to be contactable for the duration of the assessment.

If a candidate under 18 arrives without a responsible adult, the responsibility for the candidate lies with the emergency contact provided at the time of booking. It is the responsibility of this person to be contactable for the duration of the assessment.

10.2. Failure to arrive at assessment

If a candidate under 18 years of age does not arrive at the assessment for the given start time, the BHS will make one attempt to contact the emergency contact provided at the time of booking. It is the responsibility of this person to be contactable.

11. Safeguarding: Adults at Risk

The BHS will not ask for disclosure at the time of booking if an adult is classed as an adult at risk. If a candidate wants to make the BHS aware of any additional measures we can take to support them during their assessment please refer to our Access Arrangements, Reasonable Adjustments and Special Consideration Policy.

11.1 Supervision

The BHS or the assessment centre cannot provide supervision for candidates during breaks and lunch time. For candidates who identify as an adult at risk, it is at the discretion of their parent/carer if they, or a nominated responsible adult, accompanies the candidate.

The accompanying adult may not observe the assessment.

12. Health and Safety

Health and safety is vital to our activities. On the rare occasion of an accident at a BHS assessment, safety is a priority.

The BHS Education Team (which includes BHS assessors and BHS assessment centres) provide BHS assessments as a service. The health of the candidate/participant/demonstration rider is that individual’s own responsibility. They should seek medical attention if they feel they need it as the duty of care for themselves. For candidates under 18 it is the parent/carer’s responsibility to comply.

12.1. Accidents at assessments

In the unlikely event of an accident the BHS will follow the Accidents at BHS Assessment Policy. Please refer to this policy for full guidance.

In the event of a rider fall, the rider will not be permitted to remount and will not be permitted to continue with any further ridden assessment activity.

12.2. Retiring from assessment

At any point during an assessment should doubt exist as to the health, safety and/or welfare of the candidate, horses, assessor or others, an assessor or assessment centre personnel has the right to stop the candidate at any time.

If the assessor has sufficient evidence to make a clear judgement against the assessment criteria, the result will stand.

13. Candidate conduct

Any BHS employee, BHS assessor or assessment centre employee has the right to stop working with any candidate who does not behave appropriately or safely.

14. Recording Equipment

The use of any recording equipment, video or audio, (by candidates, accompanying adults, or centre staff) is prohibited during any part of the assessment delivered at an assessment centre. Mobile phones should be switched off during the assessment.

The BHS may record and use video footage of your assessment for quality assurance purposes. This data may be shared with BHSQ for the purpose of managing regulated qualifications.

Any assessments organised and delivered by the BHS via video call methods will be recorded.

Cancellations and Transfers

15. Cancellation of assessment by the BHS

All assessments are subject to cancellation/alteration/postponement. The BHS will make reasonable endeavors to provide candidates with 10 working days’ notice, however there may be circumstances when this is not possible. In the event of cancellation/alteration/postponement, the BHS will use all reasonable efforts to offer a candidate an alternative booking. If the candidate chooses not to accept the alternative booking a full refund of the assessment fee will be provided. The BHS is unable to reimburse costs incurred other than the assessment fee (for example, travel costs or accommodation) and candidates may wish to arrange independent insurance to cover these costs

16. Bad weather conditions

In the event of extreme weather conditions, assessment may be cancelled at short notice. While the BHS will endeavor to notify candidates, candidates are advised to call the assessment centre the day before if in any doubt.

If the assessment continues to run, candidates who fail to arrive for any reason (including weather conditions), are liable to forfeit their fee.

17. Cancellation and transfers by the candidate

In all cases, email notification must be made to the BHS Education Team with payment of the appropriate fee and accompanying medical evidence where applicable. All written notice should be made by the candidate if they are 18 or over, or the candidate will need to provide written confirmation stating who the BHS can speak to on their behalf. Where a candidate is under the age of 18, the parent/carer must act on their behalf.

17.1. Cancellations and transfers on medical grounds

17.1.1. Cancellations

Candidates who are unable to attend their assessment due to medical reasons are required to forward a medical note no later than five working days after the intended assessment date. If a cancellation is requested, 75% of the assessment fee will be refunded on receipt.

17.1.2. Transfers

Candidates who are unable to attend their assessment due to medical reasons are required to forward a medical note with the transfer fee of £25 no later than five working days after the intended assessment date to confirm transfer of the assessment.

17.2. Other cancellations and transfers

Candidates wishing to cancel or transfer within four weeks of the assessment date will forfeit their assessment fee (unless on medical grounds).

17.2.1. Cancellations

Candidates are required to give a minimum of four weeks written notice before the assessment date if they wish to cancel their assessment and obtain a part refund. The payee will be refunded 50% of the assessment fee.

17.2.2. Transfers

Candidates are required to give a minimum of four weeks written notice before the assessment date if they wish to transfer their assessment. The transfer fee payable is 25% of the assessment fee and must be received by four weeks prior to the original assessment date.

18. In-house assessments (formally known as devolved assessments)

18.1. Cancellations (by either centre or candidate)

If any party involved requests to cancel the assessment, arrangements are to be made between the centre, candidate and the assessor and do not fall within the remit of the BHS. For all cancellations the centre must email the Education Team at the earliest convenience. If the cancellation is received within 14 days of the candidate registration form being submitted, the BHS will cancel the invoice and no admin fee will be payable. If the cancellation is received outside the 14 days of the candidate registration form, the admin fee will still be payable. It is at the discretion of the centre and assessor whether the candidate will forfeit the rest of the fee.

18.2. Transfers

If a candidate or centre wishes to transfer the date of assessment this must be arranged between the candidate, centre and assessor. All transfers will need to be notified to the Education Team in writing at the earliest convenience with the new intended assessment date, however no further admin fee will be applied.

Following your Assessment

19. Assessment Results

Results will not be issued on the assessment day.

Provisional assessment results may be emailed to the candidate within 15 working days after the assessment to the email address provided at the time of booking, unless a quality assurance activity raises a concern. Confirmation of final result will be sent by email following on from any further quality assurance checks that are carried out. Any certificates due will be sent by post shortly after. We aim for certificates to be posted within 28 days of confirmation of final result. The Education Team are unable to give out results over the telephone.

If you are registered for a BHS Assessment by your equine college, upon completion of the assessment your results will be shared directly with the college. By accepting to the Terms and Conditions you have authorised the BHS to share the results with the third party who has registered you for the qualification. This does not affect your rights and freedoms as a data subject. For more information about how we use your personal information, please visit our privacy page;

20. Complaints

We are committed to making sure that all communications and interactions with all who engage with us are of the highest possible standard. We listen to all views and feedback received, welcoming both positive and constructive feedback, so that we can continue to improve the society and the services which we offer.

If you would like to raise a concern or, if you feel there are grounds for a complaint, please follow our complaints procedure. Please note, if your concern or complaint is regarding the service received at a BHS Assessment, this must be raised within 30 days of the assessment date.

21. Appeals

On the day of assessment, the assessor’s decision is final. If you consider your assessment was not conducted in line with syllabi requirements, you may wish to appeal against this. However an assessor's decision as to whether a candidate reached the standard required will not be overturned. Please follow our appeals procedure detailed below.

22. Privacy Notice

To see our Privacy Notice, or if you need any further information, please write to us; BHS, Abbey Park, Stareton, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2XZ or go to:


What is an appeal?

An appeal can be defined as a formal request to challenge a previous decision. Appeals relate to issues raised as a direct result of a decision made by the BHS and can act to correct an error or provide clarification.

The following guidance is for anyone who wishes to lodge an appeal to the BHS regarding the service or activity at an assessment delivered by the BHS Education Team, or for anyone who wishes to lodge an appeal relating to action taken following an investigation into malpractice or maladministration.

An appeal may be lodged when an individual feels that BHS policies and procedures were not adhered to with regards to decisions made by the BHS Education Team. An assessor’s decision as to whether a candidate reached the required standard will not be overturned. The BHS may decide to void a result if there is sufficient evidence to do so.

An appeal may relate to:

  • You believed you were discriminated against on the grounds of your age/race/gender/gender reassignment/disability/pregnancy/religion or beliefs/sexual orientation/marriage or civil partnership
  • The manner in which your assessment was conducted put you at an unfair disadvantage in comparison to other candidates
  • Your result was inconsistent with the requirements set out in the relevant assessment criteria, for example, you believe you were asked to complete tasks or answer questions not relating to the criteria
  • Decisions regarding access arrangements and reasonable adjustments, for example, your reasonable adjustment application was not managed appropriately
  • Action taken following an investigation into malpractice or maladministration
  • Decisions made by the BHS and or BHS assessors, Internal Quality Assurers, Approved Assessment Centre workforce who are carrying out a specific role relating to your assessment.

This list is not exhaustive and is for example only; each appeal is different and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

All appeals are logged, monitored and investigated internally. We will handle any appeal confidentially and sensitively.

How to submit an appeal

If you wish to submit an appeal please read our Appeals Policy for full guidance on how to apply, how your appeal is investigated and advice on further lines of appeal.

Please be assured if you require any assistance with raising your concern or appeal, please contact us and we will do our best to help.

Download the Appeals Form.

Get in touch

If you have any questions, please complete our enquiry form and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly. Alternatively you can call us on 02476 840508.