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Practical CPD Courses

  • Last reviewed: 7th March 2025
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Practical CPD Courses

Practical, face-to-face events, demonstrations, workshops or training that are allocated CPD points for Accredited Professionals

East Midlands

Course Design for Coaches - 27th February 2025

Bookings & information

This is a practical workshop which will give you the skills to improve your course design in coaching sessions. The day will include practical course building and observation of horse and rider. It will cover topics including - Coach guidance for course design, including measuring distances safely, positioning of fences and correct use of materials - Safety considerations when building fences - Designing courses at various levels.
Time: 9.30am to 3:30pm

6 CPD Points

Book here


BS National Training Centre
Market Harborough
LE17 6QX
Applied Anatomy and Physiology Workshop - BHS Stage 5 /BHSI/SM - 10th March 2025

Bookings & information

These small practical, interactive training workshops will
give you a good grounding in applied anatomy and biomechanics related to assessing conformation, static and dynamic movement in horses.

With 3 courses appropriately covering the syllabi for BHS stages 3,4, BHSI and Fellowship exams you will learn to appreciate and apply the relevant aspects of practical care and coaching. Using a mix of skeletons, anatomical models, and other appropriate artefacts as well as studying and comparing a range of size, type and breed of horse, this hands on style of learning is perfect for practical learners. With
plenty of opportunity to ask questions and discuss, if you are preparing for exams these workshops are perfect for you. Topics Covered: Topics covered can include but are not limited to:- Teeth and ageing Skeletal development Bones - related to conformation assessment and training Tendons and ligaments of the lower limb - palpation, injury, prevention and rehabilitation Muscles - related to training, development and assessment Muscular and skeletal strengths and weaknesses Static and dynamic assessment of muscle development, posture,
conformation and movement Anatomy of the digestive system - related to feeding and management Anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system - related to fitness, TPR Assessing movement - recognising lameness Assessing straightness and biomechanical capability Soundness, recognising lameness Assess lameness and
identify possible causes Foot balance Conformational suitability Saddle and bridle fit

Time: 10.30am to 3pm

6 CPD Points

Book here


Horses Inside Out,
Wavendon Grange,
Lawn Lane,
Old Dalby,
Melton Mowbray,
LE14 3LW
Applied Anatomy and Physiology Workshop - BHS Stage 3 - 27th March 2025

Bookings & information

These small practical, interactive training workshops will give you
a good grounding in applied anatomy and biomechanics related to assessing conformation, static and dynamic movement in horses. With 3 courses appropriately covering the syllabi for BHS stages 3,4, BHSI and Fellowship exams you will learn to appreciate and apply the relevant aspects of practical care and coaching. Using a mix of skeletons, anatomical models, and other appropriate artefacts as well as studying and comparing a range of size, type and breed of horse, this hands on style of learning is perfect for practical learners. With
plenty of opportunity to ask questions and discuss, if you are preparing for exams these workshops are perfect for you. Topics covered can include but are not limited to:- Teeth and ageing Skeletal development Bones - related to conformation assessment and training Tendons and ligaments of the lower limb - palpation, injury, prevention and rehabilitation Muscles - related to training, development and assessment Muscular and skeletal strengths and weaknesses Static
and dynamic assessment of muscle development, posture, conformation and movement Anatomy of the digestive system - related to feeding and management Anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system - related to fitness, TPR Assessing movement - recognising lameness Assessing straightness and biomechanical
capability Soundness, recognising lameness Assess lameness and identify possible causes Foot balance Conformational suitability Saddle and bridle fit

Time: 10.30am to 3pm

6 CPD Points

COST - £150

Book here


Horses Inside Out,
Wavendon Grange,
Lawn Lane,
Old Dalby,
Melton Mowbray,
LE14 3LW
Applied Anatomy and Physiology Workshop - BHS Stage 4 /Pony Club AH - 28th March 2025

Bookings & information

These small practical, interactive training workshops will give you
a good grounding in applied anatomy and biomechanics related to assessing conformation, static and dynamic movement in horses. With 3 courses appropriately covering the syllabi for BHS stages 3,4, BHSI and Fellowship exams you will learn to appreciate and apply the relevant aspects of practical care and coaching. Using a mix of skeletons, anatomical models, and other appropriate artefacts as well as studying and comparing a range of size, type and breed of horse, this hands on style of learning is perfect for practical learners. With
plenty of opportunity to ask questions and discuss, if you are preparing for exams these workshops are perfect for you. Topics covered can include but are not limited to:- Teeth and ageing Skeletal development Bones - related to conformation assessment and training Tendons and ligaments of the lower limb - palpation, injury, prevention and rehabilitation Muscles - related to training, development and assessment Muscular and skeletal strengths and weaknesses Static
and dynamic assessment of muscle development, posture, conformation and movement Anatomy of the digestive system - related to feeding and management Anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system - related to fitness, TPR Assessing movement - recognising lameness Assessing straightness and biomechanical
capability Soundness, recognising lameness Assess lameness and identify possible causes Foot balance Conformational suitability Saddle and bridle fit

Time: 10.30am to 3pm

6 CPD Points

COST - £150

Book here


Horses Inside Out,
Wavendon Grange,
Lawn Lane,
Old Dalby,
Melton Mowbray,
LE14 3LW
Ride Safe Train the Trainers - 31st March 2025

Bookings & information

To attend this training you'll need to meet the following requirements: • Hold the Ride Safe Award (or BHS Riding and Road Safety) • Plus one of the following: Minimum coaching qualification of BHS Stage 3 Coach and a BHS Accredited Professional Coach. Or minimum coaching qualification of BHS Stage 2 Coach and a BHS Approved Centre Coach.

Time: 10am to 3pm

4 CPD Points

COST - £5 Refresher 

            £10 New Trainer 

Book here


Almond Equestrian,

Waterloo Lodge Farm,

Baggrave Hall Road,


Centre10 Spring Camp - 1st April 2025

Bookings & information

The Science of Enhanced Learning (featuring Mary Wanless) Hot off the
back of her United States tour we have a truly unique opportunity to spend the
morning with acclaimed coach Mary Wanless. Mary’s famous “Ride With Your Mind” coaching techniques are based on an understanding of how people and horses learn. Inspired by physics, and functional anatomy, it is simple to understand and therefore allows coaches and riders to develop quickly and effectively.
There is no doubt her insights will provide inspiration and plenty of ideas to
action with your riders! In the afternoon we combine our observations from the
morning with the latest science of enhanced learning to explore how we can
better achieve breakthroughs with our riders.

Time: 8am to 5pm

6 CPD Points

COST - £48 for coaching hub members,

            £120 for advanced C10 members 

Book here


Onley EC, near Rugby.

Pole work Patterns - 7th April 2025

Bookings & information

This training day is a fantastic opportunity for anyone looking to improve their depth of horse knowledge, it is also beneficial for anyone considering, studying or training people towards BHS Stage 4, Performance Stage 5 (BHSI) or Pony Club A/AH exams..

Whilst a fantastic training day for coaches, this training day is also a brilliant opportunity for riders and owners looking to further their own training knowledge. The day will be informative and interactive, with plenty of opportunity for questions and to discuss what we observe.

The focus of the day is on pole work for education, training and competing. Using the Scales of Training to educate the rider to develop the horse’s way of going towards the next level.


9.30am Register & Tea/Coffee

10am Introduction to the day

10.15am POLEWORK FOR GROUNDWORK - Looking at how to effectively use poles to improve groundwork techniques

11am POLEWORK AVOIDING POLES - The focus will be on using poles to improve the rider’s accuracy whilst riding lines, shapes and turns by actively avoiding the poles.

11.45am POLEWORK TO IMPROVE STRIDELENGTH - Looking at how appropriate polework exercises can be used to help improve the rhythm, balance and suppleness needed to develop a bigger stride.

12.30pm LUNCH Café on site will be open to purchase hot/cold food, or please bring your own

1.30pm INNOVATIVE POLEWORK PATTERNS - Focusing on using a more imaginative polework pattern with a group of combinations of different sizes, looking at how the exercise can be adapted depending on the combinations ability by approaching at different angles.

2.30pm POLEWORK FOR GRIDWORK - Looking at improving rhythm, balance and suppleness whilst developing the horse’s proprioception for jumping by using polework in preparation for and whilst training with a grid of fences.

3.30pm Q&A Session


Time: 9.30am to 4pm

6 CPD Points

Book here


Witham Villa Riding Centre,
Broughton Astley,
Movement and Behaviour - 1st May 2025

Bookings & information

2 hour initial presentation of the course followed by 2 months access to on-demand
training. During this time work through the 30 videos of the 30 horses we have
filmed performing a standard test. First, watch each horse and, using the Ridden
Horse Performance Checklist Judging Form, assess how many of the 24 behaviours
you see displayed. At the end you will be able to calculate a score out of 24.
Then watch each horse again this time with Sue’s commentary and the completed
Ridden Horse Performance Checklist Judging Form that Sue completed. This gives
you the opportunity to compare your results with Sue’s. Sue gives a commentary
not only about each horse’s behaviour, but also movement patterns that may
reflect discomfort and factors, such as saddle movement that may induce
discomfort. During this period you will also be a member of a private forum for
course members. This will give you the opportunity to post questions and
comments as you work through the videos. Closing webinar 2 hours.

Time: 6.30 - 8.30pm

6 CPD Points

Book here


Wavendon Grange,
Lawn Lane,
Old Dalby,
LE14 3LW.

East of England

My horse isn't quite right - when to work up & the diagnostic journey - 2nd April 2025

Bookings & information

This event is designed for horse owners, riders and paraprofessionals. My horse isn’t quite right. When to work up and the diagnostic journey Alex Hawkins, Lecturer in Equine Surgery, explores why your horse might not feel quite right, how to get to the bottom of it and what to do once you know the answer. 'My horse isn't right' - What that might mean and why it translates to different things in different horses Find out what to expect during an investigation and the steps involved Hear about some of the treatment and rehabilitation options available to you Q&A with our speaker
Price: £12


Time: 6:30pm - 9pm

3 CPD Points

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The Royal Veterinary College
Hawkshead Lane
United Kingdom

Coaching the Competitive Combination - 3rd April 2025

Bookings & information

Programme 09:45 Register & Tea/Coffee
10:00 Introduction to the day.
10:15 DRESSAGE- Looking at what we should be training for and what the judges are looking for at entry level competition and how to refine the basics further for the required movements as we move up the levels (up to BE 100, BD Novice & towards BHS Stage 3/4 level) 11:15am DRESSAGE- Looking at the different lateral movements required for the more established competitive combination (BD Ele-Medium & towards BHS Stage 4/5 level)
11:45 DISCUSSION – Opportunity to ask questions relating to the morning sessions
12:30 SHOW JUMPING- Looking at how we can build confidence to
enhance performance at the grass roots level then improving basics further to better performance as the height and speed requirements increase (up to BE100, BS British Novice & BHS Stage 3/4 level) 13.15 SHOW JUMPING Preparing for the technical requirements and higher expectancies of horse and rider as we move up to BE Novice-Inter level (BS Discovery/Newcomers & BHS Stage 4/5 level)
14:00 DISCUSSION - Coffee break, questions and course walk
14:15 SIMULATED CROSS COUNTRY – Looking at various approach lines to basic XC style fences to instill confidence for the grass roots combination. Understanding some of the different questions that may be asked as we move up the levels and how we can prepare the
combination for these elements. (up to BE 100 & BHS Stage 3/4 level) 15.00 SIMULATED CROSS COUNTRY– Preparing the more experienced combination for greater complexities required at this level such as increased pace, tighter lines and skinnier fences. (BE Novice- Inter & BHS Stage 4/5 level)
15:45 DISCUSSION – Opportunity to ask questions relating to the afternoon sessions.
16.00 FINISH

Price: £45 APC

          £50 Others

Time: 9:30 -  4pm

6 CPD Points

Book here


Radley Green Equestrian Centre,


Area 8 Coach & Assessor CPD for C and C+ Test - 7th April 2025

Bookings & information

Watching and assessing Pony Club Children at C and C+ level. Reasonable adjustment included. Discussing the ridden elements of PC tests and what is required at each level.
Price: £25


Time: 6pm - 8:30pm

3 CPD Points

Book here


Hallingbury Hall Equestrain Centre, Hall Green, CM22 7RP 

PC B Test Assessor Standard Setting CPD - 28th April 2025

Bookings & information

All parts of PC B test Ridden section. Flat, SJ, XC and discussion. Riders will be PC members C+ to B+. After the riders the presenter will lead discussion with attendees about the required standard.

Price: £30

Time: 10am-1.30pm

4 CPD Points

Book here


Radley Green Equestrian Centre
Radley Green Farm Radley Green Rd

A Day With Dr Jo Winfield - 28th, 29th & 30th April 2025

Bookings & information

Jo will be teaching six groups during the day, an hour each. The three in the morning will be flat the three PM will be jumping. Watch how Jo coaches the different types of rider that a training camp brings. There will be time to discus what you are seeing and different area's to work on to develop both the horse and rider partnership.
There will only be one person with Jo on each day. Lunch is included

Price: £45

Time: 9am - 4:30pm

6 CPD Points

Book here


Forest Edge Arena,

PE37 8AS

Area 8 Coach & Assessor CPD for D/D+ Tests - 17th March 2025

Bookings & information

Watching Pony Club children ride and assessing the standards need for PC tests. Including reasonable adjustment. 
Price: £25

Time: 6pm -  8:30pm

2.5 CPD Points

Book here


Hallingbury Hall Equestrain Centre, Hall Green, CM22 7RP

Equine Kinesiology Taping - 18th May 2025

Bookings & information

A great opportunity to learn about Equine Kinesiology taping, and the amazing benefits for horses! From understanding the science to the mechanics of the various applications this is a comprehensive day
with lots of opportunity for hands on guided practice. You will learn theory, demonstration and practice for the following:

🐎Muscle fatigue and recovery

🐎Relieving pain and soreness

🐎Inflammation and swelling reduction

🐎Fascia restrictions

🐎Joint support and stabilisation

🐎Relaxation and activation of muscles A full workbook with photos and diagrams is included with everything learnt on the day including further taping suggestions.

Price: £135

Time: 9am - 3:30pm

4 CPD Points

Book here


Equine Pre-Purchase Exams - 4th June 2025

Bookings & information

Join us as we take you on a journey into the world of pre-purchase exams; from what the exam entails, to what the findings actually mean for you and the horse. Find out what is involved in a pre-purchase examination and why they should be undertaken 2 stage or not 2 stage - what is the difference between a 2 stage and 5 stage vetting Why can horses fail PPEs?
What the research says - findings from a recent research paper published by RVC Vets Learn about common radiographic findings and what they mean for the result of the examination Q&A with our speakers Can be available to purchase as a recording for those unable to attend on the night. 
Price: £12


Time: 6:30pm - 9pm

2.5 CPD Points

Book here


The Royal Veterinary College
Hawkshead Lane
United Kingdom

A Day With Dr Jo Winfield - 16th, 17th & 18th June

Bookings & information

Jo will be teaching six groups during the day, an hour each. The three in the morning will be flat the three PM will be jumping. Watch how Jo coaches the different types of rider that a training camp brings. There will be time to discus what you are seeing and different area's to work on to develop both the horse and rider partnership.
There will only be one person with Jo on each day. Lunch is included

Price: £45

Time: 9am - 4:30pm

6 CPD Points

Book here


Forest Edge Arena,

PE37 8AS

A Day With Dr Jo Winfield - 15th, 16th & 17th Sept 2025

Bookings & information

Jo will be teaching six groups during the day, an hour each. The three in the morning will be flat the three PM will be jumping. Watch how Jo coaches the different types of rider that a training camp brings. There will be time to discus what you are seeing and different area's to work on to develop both the horse and rider partnership.
There will only be one person with Jo on each day. Lunch is included

Price: £45

Time: 9am - 4:30pm

6 CPD Points

Book here


Forest Edge Arena,

PE37 8AS


“Developing the Basics for Solid Foundations in Flatwork and Jumping” - 27th April 2025

Bookings & information

Mark and Craig will discuss and demonstrate how they start and develop horses in an empathetic and harmonious way treating each one as an individual. Whether you are an experienced rider or coach, preparing for BHS Assessments or someone who loves their horse and rides for recreational pleasure this will be a very useful and informative day.

9.30am Arrive and register Tea/Coffee available

10am Introduction

10.15am A positive start - ground work and ridden work to build
confidence in the young horse. Mark riding “George”

11am Creating a partnership - Developing harmony through correct application and understanding of the “aids” while using poles on the flat and to build foundations for jumping. Craig riding “Rita”

12pm Discussion and Questions

12.30pm Lunch

1.30pm Building on the basics- using progressive lateral movements to further refine the “aids” while building suppleness, strength and trust in the horse. Mark riding “Monty"

2.30pm Jumping for fun - using progressive jumping exercises to build skill, technique and confidence. Craig riding “Gordon

3.30pm Discussion and Questions 

6 CPD points 

Cost - £35

Book here


Danescroft Equestrian Centre,

BT27 5NW


Bookings & information

Watching horses train for International Show jumping and National Hunt horses with interactive discussion.

6 CPD points 

Cost - £30

Book here


Danescroft Equestrian Centre

21 Waterloo Road


BT27 5NW

Northern Ireland


Check back for updates

England - North

Pony Club Rider Development Day camp - 9th March 2025

Booking Information 

At Yorkshire Riding Centre, Markington, Harrogate HG3 3PE
In conjunction with the Zetland Pony Club Conducted by Christopher Bartle Team GB Eventing High Performance Coach, FBHS The Yorkshire Riding Centre is welcoming members of the Pony Club to attend this training day giving an insight in to Christopher’s training systems and philosophy. Including a presentation, simulated ridden session using “Rock On Ruby” plus ridden show jumping sessions.

The following places are available: Rider Day Camp - Presentation, Rock On Ruby, Show Jumping Lesson and Day Stable. Plus 1 additional observational place for parent/guardian/responsible adult Refreshments, snacks and lunch will be provided for rider and adult. £125 Maximum of 12 riders, 3 per group. Rider Observation - Presentation, Observing Rock On Ruby and Show Jumping Lessons.
Plus refreshments, snacks and lunch £60 Maximum 30 places These places are also available for Pony Club Coaches. Rider Day camp participants MUST be current Pony Club members who are competing at PC 80cm or above, comfortably training at 90cm or above, ideally hold their C+ test and age over 14 years. Along with those competitions at Pony Open Eventing/Chairman’s Cup level and beyond.
Observational places are open to riders 14 year and over who are keen to develop their education, knowledge and horsemanship amongst fellow Pony Club members.

Ideal for those aiming for PC eventing in 2025 plus Show Jumping. Along with enhancing riding theory training for members training for their PC B, B+ or A test as well as those looking for tips and skills to try at home to improve their own riding /performance. They MUST be accompanied by a parent/guardian/responsible adult who should purchase a Rider Observational ticket. This can be a ratio of 4 children to 1 adult and the adults name should be clearly stated on the entry. Observational places are open to current Pony Club Riders (14 years and over) Coaches from all Areas. 

Time: 9pm-4pm

COST - £125 for coaches wanting to practice aspects of the assessment 

6 CPD Points



Yorkshire Riding Centre





BHS Stage 4 & 5 Coaching Development Day - 31st March 2025

Booking Information 

BHS Stage 4 & 5 Coach Development Day at the Yorkshire RC, Markington, Harrogate HG3 3PE With Sarah Simpson BHS Performance and British Eventing Accredited Coach 8:30am
- 4pm Open to coaches who are aiming for their stage 4 or 5 along with those who are wanting to gain an understanding of what is required at the assessments and those wanting to enhance their skills as a coach across a variety of disciplines. The day will comprise of demonstrations and coaching practice

* An overview of the assessments at each level

* Verbal evaluations of riders for dressage, show jumping and simulated XC

* Walking Show Jumping and XC technical fences with riders

* The lunge lesson (Stage 4)

* The pole work session (Stage 4/5)

* The show jumping session (Stage 5)

* The simulated XC session (Stage 4/5)

* The dressage session (Stage 4/5) This will be an interactive day to learn from
your fellow coaches and gain confidence in your delivery of sessions.

Time: 8:45pm-4pm

COST - £120 for coaches wanting to practice aspects of the assessment 

            £60  for those wanting to observe for the day Both including lunch and                  refreshments Spaces are limited to 6 practical and 10 observational.

6 CPD Points



Yorkshire RC,





Coaching the Everyday Rider - 2nd April 2025

Booking Information 

Led by Dan Spencer, BHSI and BHS Assessor. This day is aimed at both experienced coaches and people considering a career in coaching. It will also be particularly beneficial to anyone looking to gain their BHS coaching qualifications or those who are currently training candidates. The day will cover both flatwork and jump coaching, looking at riders from beginner to BD Novice level and up to 80cm jumping. This will be a great day to collaborate with other coaches and share ideas, with a focus on rider influence on the horse's way of going.

Time: 9:30am-4:30pm

COST - BHS APCs £35.00

General Admission £40.00 

6 CPD Points





Putting Horses at the Heart of your Business - 7th April 2025

Booking Information 

Polework for riding school horses and ponies Emergency horse rescue How your business can manage and survive an outbreak of strangles Up to date worming information

Time: 9am-4pm

COST - £30 General admission 

            £20 for BHS approved Centres

4 CPD Points



Equine Centre Indoor School,

Northumberland College,

Kirkley Hall,

NE20 0BB

Coaching Development Day - 5th May 2025

Booking Information 

Coaches Development Day at the Yorkshire Riding Centre,
Markington, Harrogate. A day dedicated to those wanting to develop their coaching skills. It will give an insight in to the Philosophy of training, observe a variety of evaluations and coaching. Delivered by Christopher Bartle FBHS, British Eventing High Performance Coach, Jane Bartle - Wilson Performance Coach BHSI and Sarah Simpson Performance Coach BHSI and BE Accredited Coach.
Sessions will include a talk on Cross Country, The Riders Influence on Rock On Ruby and a XC technical training session with Christopher Bartle. Understanding the Scales of Training at Medium and Advanced Medium plus preparing the canter for flying changes with Jane Bartle - Wilson. Assessment of the Show Jumping combination to gain information to set goals with Sarah Simpson. This will be an
interactive day enabling participants to immerse themselves in to coaching styles, techniques and tactics.

£75 per person which includes refreshments and

Time: 9am-4pm

COST - £75 per person which includes refreshments and

6 CPD Points



Yorkshire RC,





BHS Stage 4 & 5 Coaching Development Day - 2nd June 2025

Booking Information 

BHS Stage 4 & 5 Coach Development Day at the Yorkshire RC, Markington, Harrogate HG3 3PE With Sarah Simpson BHS Performance and British Eventing Accredited Coach 8:30am
- 4pm Open to coaches who are aiming for their stage 4 or 5 along with those who are wanting to gain an understanding of what is required at the assessments and those wanting to enhance their skills as a coach across a variety of disciplines. The day will comprise of demonstrations and coaching practice

* An overview of the assessments at each level

* Verbal evaluations of riders for dressage, show jumping and simulated XC

* Walking Show Jumping and XC technical fences with riders

* The lunge lesson (Stage 4)

* The pole work session (Stage 4/5)

* The show jumping session (Stage 5)

* The simulated XC session (Stage 4/5)

* The dressage session (Stage 4/5) This will be an interactive day to learn from
your fellow coaches and gain confidence in your delivery of sessions.

Time: 8:45pm-4pm

COST - £120 for coaches wanting to practice aspects of the assessment 

            £60  for those wanting to observe for the day Both including lunch and refreshments Spaces are limited to 6 practical and 10 observational.

6 CPD Points



Yorkshire RC,





Retraining of Racehorses Insight Day - 25th August 2025

Booking Information 

AM -Yard Tour with Paul Robson and his team LUNCH PROVIDED PM -talk on the retraining process from Amy Bannister-Bell BHSI and RoR Wales Regional Development Officer We will discuss what the retraining process involves, advice on how to maintain good practices for a successful retraining journey and what support is out there to assist you if you choose to take on an ex racehorse or if you already own a retrained racehorse.

Cost £36.50 for ROR members £40.00 for BHS APC

Lunch Provided

Time: 10am-3pm

4 CPD Points



Paul Robson Racing
South Hazelrig
NE66 5RZ


North West of England

Equine Behaviour - 3rd May 2025

Booking Information 

This training course aims to give trainees knowledge, understanding and basic skills in the behaviour of equines. It covers the skills necessary to assess an equine's behaviour in a safe and effective manner to ascertain whether it is safe to perform the required task. It also covers the skills and knowledge necessary to ensure that interactions with equines reinforce desired behaviour and do not result in setting up undesirable behaviour patterns. A good understanding of the processes of routine training will help to ensure that routine interactions with the equine complement the pre- existing training.
training to be carried out safely Maintain the health and safety of the equine, yourself and others throughout the process Identify equine behaviour patterns that are desirable and undesirable Identify the training that is required for the equine to achieve appropriate behaviour for the task that needs to be completed Recognise when the degree of training required means that it is not practical or safe to complete the task at hand at this visit Recognise whether the training required is within your level of ability or the owner's level of ability and understand when to request that the Owner carries out further training and when to refer to a professional trainer Set appropriate training
goals Create a shaping plan for a desired behaviour Implement the shaping plan using appropriate scientific principles of behaviour modification Modify the shaping plan as needed to take into account the response of the equine to the training so far Approach everyday tasks in a manner that reinforces desirable behaviour patterns and avoids creating undesirable behaviour patterns Recognise that the owner or other responsible person may have valid views on the approach taken to training that need to be taken account of.

Time: 9am-5pm

COST - £150


6 CPD Points



Green Haworth,


BB5 3,

United Kingdom



Coaching the Everyday Rider - 3rd March 2025

Bookings & information

6 CPD Points  

COST - £35

Book here



Equine Leg Dissection Workshop - 8th March 2025

Bookings & information

Equine leg dissection with discussion of associated pathologies. 

Time:  10am to 1pm 

3 CPD Points  

COST - £15


Loch Ness Riding
Drummond Farm

Book here

BHS Central Scotland 'A to Z of Horses' - A Talk With Professor Derek Knottenbelt - 11th March 2025

Bookings & information

Join BHS Central Scotland for this fascinating and entertaining evening on the 'A-Z of Horses'. Professor Derek Knottenbelt OBE BVM&S DVM&S DipECEIM DACVIM MRCVS is a recognised RCVS and European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine and one of our most popular speakers.

This is an evening not to be missed!

Time:  7pm to 8:30pm 

1.5 CPD Points  

COST - £5


Stirling Agricultural Centre,



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BHS Ayrshire Visit to MBM Vets at Syke Farm - 8th April 2025

Bookings & information

A tour of the premises
• A vet talk on MBMs worming programme, strangles and strangvac vaccine and a discussion on pre and post care of the competing horse
• Practical demonstrations on the new lameness locator and on dental

Time:  6:30pm to 9pm

3 CPD Points  

COST - Free


MBM Veterinary Group, Syke Large Animal Clinic, Sykes Farm, Bogend, Symington, Kilmarnock, KA1 5PD

Book here

Coaching the the grass roots rider the way the horse would choose - 11th April 2025

Bookings & information

The course will be aimed at coaches who work with grass roots level participants and content will be delivered in 40 minute coach sessions with a variety of riders who are comfortable riding in demonstration/training sessions with an audience.

9.30 - 10.00 - Arrival, coffee, introductions.

10.00 - 10.30 - "The Check List" and how it links to progression (this session will cover what position/balance rider should be able to achieve to progress to cantering/jumping to promote best horse welfare).

10.30 - Assessing position and balance and suitable exercises for rider - this
session will be delivered on Equine simulator with attending coaches able to
study how it works/can be used.

11.15 - Inclusivity - thinking "out of the box" as a coach to provide the best session for your participant (this session will be a male adult rider).

12.00 - Working without stirrups - how to do this to ensure the horse is happy and the rider improves.

12.45 - Lunch

1.15 - Rider physio session - this session will be delivered by local physio and will
emphasise when coaches should refer riders to physios and the importance of
working together as professionals

2.15 - Novice adult and younger child session - demonstrating the different coaching approaches to different types of participant.

3.00 - Poles and jump prep - exercises we can use to ensure riders
are independent of reins prior to starting jumping.

3.45 - Equine professional participant - how we may coach a career pathway participant (aiming for Stage 3) to improve their position and therefore effectiveness.

Time:  9pm to 4pm 

6 CPD Points  

COST - £40

Book here

PCUK B Test Assessor CPD Workshop - 10th May 2025

Bookings & information 

This is a five-hour workshop which will cover the standard required in riding and horse care to be awarded the PCUK B Test Certificate (2023 Syllabus). It will include standard setting and how to approach the training of candidates for this Test. Training will be given in assessing skills, questioning technique, team working and how to deliver appropriate feedback to candidates in relation to their performance and development for in the training or Test environment.

Time:  10:30pm to 3.30pm 

4 CPD Points  

COST - £25

Book here


Foresterseat Cross Country, Glenfarg, PH2 9QF

Introduction to Equine Kinesiology Taping - 11th May 2025

Bookings & information

A great opportunity to learn about Equine Kinesiology taping, and the amazing benefits for horses! From understanding the science to the mechanics of the various applications this is a comprehensive day with lots of opportunity for hands on guided practice. You will learn theory, demonstration and practice for the following:

🐎Muscle fatigue and recovery

🐎Relieving pain and soreness

🐎Inflammation and swelling reduction

🐎Fascia restrictions

🐎Joint support and stabilisation

🐎Relaxation and activation of muscles A full workbook with photos
and diagrams is included with everything learnt on the day including further taping suggestions. 

Time:  9pm to 3.30pm 

4 CPD Points  

COST - £135

Book here


South of England

Ride Safe Train the Trainer - 10th March 2025

Bookings & information

Train the Trainer session for new APCs and
refreshers. Mix of classroom and practical sessions, including setting up simulated route, walking road route, and teaching guinea pigs. Option to stay for an additional hour 'working lunch' for any APCs new to Ride Safe (and refreshers if they want to stay) who want more discussion time/help.

Time:  9:30am to 1:30pm 

4 CPD Points  

COST - £10 New APCs

            £5 Refreshers


Book here


Inadown Farm, 

GU34 3RR

South East

Robert Pickles BHS Stage 3-5 Training Day - 10th March 2025


Stage 3-5 training - Riding, Coaching, Theory, Care Tailored to the individuals goals. 
TIME - 9.30am - 3pm 
COST - £140

6 CPD Points

Book here


Berkshire Riding Centre Ltd,
Crouch Lane,
SL4 4TN 
Equine Massage Therapy Workshop - 16th March 2025


Learn proper therapist techniques to help keep your horse free from
tension and help them relax. This is a fun and informative day, lovely horses are provided to practice on to help you gain lots of confidence and enthusiasm to help your own horse. This is so much more than just a massage course! Full book of learning including a massage map to help you remember where and how to help your horse.
Also included: How to check your horse for discomfort Equine
Pilates exercises for your horse Learn some basic anatomy and how it relates to how your horse is feeling UK Rural Skills Accredited Course
TIME - 9.30pm - 3pm 
COST - £110

4 CPD Points

Book here


Sussex equine massage therapy 
Equine Massage Therapy Workshop - 23rd March 2025


Learn proper therapist techniques to help keep your horse free from
tension and help them relax. This is a fun and informative day, lovely horses are provided to practice on to help you gain lots of confidence and enthusiasm to help your own horse. This is so much more than just a massage course! Full book of learning including a massage map to help you remember where and how to help your horse.
Also included: How to check your horse for discomfort Equine
Pilates exercises for your horse Learn some basic anatomy and how it relates to how your horse is feeling UK Rural Skills Accredited Course
TIME - 9.30pm - 3pm 
COST - £110

4 CPD Points

Book here


Sussex equine massage therapy 
Bubby Upton Lecture Demonstration - 2nd April 2025


Bubby will be riding and coaching as part of the demo as well as talking about her comeback from serious injury to compete at Badminton.
TIME - 6pm - 9pm 
COST - £25

4 CPD Points

Book here


Hadlow College
Hadlow College
Tonbridge Road
TN11 0AL
Course Walking for Coaches - 8th April 2025


TIME - 12pm - 3pm 
COST - £30

4 CPD Points

Book here



Horn Lane


Training observation day - 14th April 2025


The principal of coaching. Morning session novice to elementary afternoon session medium to Grand prix.
TIME -10:30am - 3:00pm 
COST - £40

4 CPD Points

Book here


Aster Academy Dressage
Fiddlers Green Stud
Lenham Road
TN27 9LG
Introduction to Equine Kinesiology Taping - 27th April 2025


A great opportunity to learn about Equine Kinesiology taping, and the
amazing benefits for horses! From understanding the science to the mechanics of the various applications this is a comprehensive day with lots of opportunity for hands on guided practice. You will learn theory, demonstration and practice for the following:
🐎Muscle fatigue and recovery
🐎Relieving pain and soreness
🐎Inflammation and swelling reduction
🐎Fascia restrictions
🐎Joint support and stabilisation
🐎Relaxation and activation of muscles A full workbook with photos
and diagrams is included with everything learnt on the day including further taping suggestions.
TIME -9:15pm - 3:30pm 
COST - £135

4 CPD Points

Book here


Sussex equine massage therapy 
Developing an understanding of training horse and rider - 19th May 2025


This is only open to F & I members and their guests. Not to the general public.
TIME - 10am - 4:30pm 
COST - £30

6 CPD Points

Book here



Inspiring Ideas for Unmounted Lessons - 21st May 2025


Exercises and ideas to make unmounted rallies fun and engaging while educational.
TIME -10am - 1pm 
COST - £30

4 CPD Points

Book here


South West

Communication leading the way to a better relationship with riders and horses - 12th March 2025


This engaging discussion will delve into the crucial role
of clear and concise communication among coaches, riders, and horses. Our speakers will share invaluable insights and best practices for delivering both summative and formative feedback, emphasizing who should provide it, when to give it, and prioritising horse welfare throughout the process.

Price-  BE Coaches - £48. Others £58 

Time- 9:30am- 4:30pm

6 CPD points



The Unicorn Trust,

Granary Cottage,



Stow on the Wold,


GL54 1JZ,

United Kingdom


Ride Safe Training for Trainers - 17th March 2025


Are you a BHS APC and are interested in becoming a Ride
Safe Trainer?

Has your existing Ride Safe Trainer training expired? (lasts

We are running a training day for new and existing trainers to enable them to deliver and continue delivering the BHS Ride Safe (Silver Challenge Award) qualification. The training will be led by Ride Safe Adviser, Jacqui Bolt (BHS Stage 4 Senior Coach).

09.30 - Arrive – Register – Coffee

09.45 - Introductions etc

10.00 – Presentation (classroom)

11.00 – Break/loo/coffee

11.15 – Practical Session to include setting up

12.45 – Discussion/questions

1.00 - Finish

Price- £15 for existing ride safe trainers (refresher) 

£20 for new Ride Safe Trainers (initial)

Time- 9.30pm - 1PM

4 CPD points



The Avon Centre,

Kings Weston Road,



BS10 7QT

Principles of Dressage Seminar Coach session - Unlock Your Potential - Coach Planning, Profiling & Management - 22nd March 2025


An interactive classroom session with delivered presentation, covering the following topics: Identify your coaching goals
Profiling your performance as a Coach Develop an action plan Identify CPD

Price- £50 for non members

           £45 for day ticket for BD member

Time- 11:30am- 13:15pm

3 CPD point



United Kingdom

Principles of Dressage Coach session - Panel Session - Ethical coaching and navigating challenges - 23rd March 2025


An interactive panel discussion to cover some of the challenges encountered by Coaches and share ideas on best practice. Advice from psychologist around self care for Coaches. Discussion around ethical coaching philosophy and how best to implement this into practice by using example scenarios as framework for discussion. Q&A session with panel members following scenarios and discussions. 

Price- £45 day ticket for BD member 

£50 for non BD member 

Time- 11:30am - 1:15PM

2 CPD points



United Kingdom

Coaching clinic for BHS Stage 4 & BHS Performance Coach (BHSI) - 7th April 2025


9.30am meet and greet 10am elementary dressage 11am adv med dressage 12-1.30 set up jumps and lunch 1.30-2.30 Sim XC up to 1.10m 2.30-3.30 private SJ up to 1.20m 3.30-4 clear arena and questions.

Price- £100

Time- 9:30pm- 4pm

6 CPD point



Avon Riding Centre,

Kings Weston Road,



BS10 7QT

Brilliant Bones - 6th April 2025


2pm – Function & Form – looking at a painted skeleton on a horse, names of bones, types of bone – and how their size and shape helps their role within the skeleton.

3pm – Skeleton in motion – looking at the preserved spinal column of a miniature Shetland pony, we will look at the issues of what can happen in training when the spinus process are pushed too close together. Attendees will have the opportunity to touch the bones and see in this instance the deterioration which ultimately led to the demise of this poor fella.

4pm – In the arena – we will be looking at a rider (in a skeleton painted outfit, riding our horse with painted skeleton) - the pair will go through various movements, this will be a good opportunity to discuss joints of both human and horse, and their similarities. We will look at the impact of concussive forces at the horse moves, and in what way the skeleton is designed to absorb concussion.

Price- £40

Time- 2pm - 5PM

4 CPD points





Coaching preparation for stage 2/3 - 6th April 2025


9.30am meet and greet 10am private dressage - novice 11am flat/sj group 4 riders up to 70cm 12-1.30 lunch, theory Qs. Set up courses 1.30 sj group up to 90xm 2.30 sim xc semi private Up to 90cm 3.30-4pm arena clear Q&A

Price- £100

Time- 9.30pm - 4PM

6 CPD point



Avon Riding Centre,

Kings Weston Road,



BS10 7QT

A Safer Approach to Jump Coaching - 13th April 2025


9am – Classroom – Introduction to the course followed by a safer approach for riders new to jumping.

10am – Racewood Eventing Simulator – looking at diagnosing the cause of rider error, instead of the symptoms. Coaches can often advise a rider based on symptoms and miss the underlying issue, failing to recognise the cause instead.

11.15am – after a break for refreshments we will look at jumping a rider in the area new to jumping for the first time and growing the confidence of a nervous rider.

12.15pm – Lunch break 45m

1pm – Classroom – The jumping trajectory – how these changes with different fence types, therefore a coach can anticipate how much the rider could be displaced in the saddle if they are not yet ready for larger leaps from the horse. Good coaches can plan a logical jump build to grow confidence of riders – instead of move from cross pole to oxer which increase likelihood of a mistake or fall to a novice rider. We will also cover jump and pole spacing to refresh coaches of their build knowledge.

2pm – Arena – Striding patterns and fence alterations. Following on from refreshing knowledge of spacing, we will watch our riders will jump through related distance exercise and we will look at how and where fences need to be altered when more ground is taken up for landing and take off as fences increase in size. The aim being to help coaches get their eye in to understand how the horses are moving, and whether or not they should be adjusting the fence or adjusting the technique of the riders.

3pm – Classroom – discussion on conformational challenge and
jumping. Most horses have some type of conformation challenge or another,
requiring adjustment from the rider to jump successfully. We will look at horses
with longer backs and the role of impulsion, horses with front limb abnormality
and how this affects power transfer, and landing, as well as the consequences of
an overweighted forehand into a fence.

Price- £165

Time- 9am - 4PM

6 CPD points





Magnificient Muscles - 20th April 2025


2pm – The superficial muscles will be painted on to one of our school horses by Johanna McDonald. We will look at what is muscles is called, and its function – which belong to the extensor chain, and which belong to the flexor chain. Points of origin and points of insertion to better understand how this makes them fit for purpose.

3pm – We will look at how muscles can become sore / damaged with incorrect use of training aids, incorrect riding. How to support muscle development and growth with good practice.

4pm –We will look at a selection of horses and identify where they are weaker – and discuss what exercises would help develop the weaker musculature identified in each horse. 

Price- £40

Time- 2pm - 5PM

3 CPD points




RoR Realistic Retraining - 3rd May 2025


Realistic retraining is just that- a REALISTIC
look at the challenges and rewards of retraining a former racehorse. We have
invited Emma Vine with the recently retired ALLAHO, a winner of 10 of his 20
starts, including four times at Grade One level, he is best remembered for his
Cheltenham Festival winning heroics, romping to an unforgettable 12-length
Ryanair success in the hands of Rachael Blackmore in 2021 before defending his
crown under Paul Townend a year later. Joined by 2 other recently retired
racehorses, Eric Smiley will demonstrate the the most important '1st Steps' to
take when retraining a racehorse.

Price-  £20

Time- 2pm- 4pm

3 CPD points



Glenda Spooner Farm,

World Horse Welfare
TA11 7LA

Coaching clinic for BHS Stage 4 & BHS Performance Coach (BHSI) with Jo Winfield FBHS - 30th June 2025


9.30am meet and greet 10am elementary dressage 11am adv med dressage 12-1.30 set up jumps and lunch 1.30-2.30 Sim XC up to 1.10m 2.30-3.30 private SJ up to 1.20m 3.30-4 clear arena and questions 

Price- £100

Time- 9:30am- 4pm

6 CPD point



Avon Riding Centre,

Kings Weston Road,



BS10 7QT

Coaching clinic for BHS Stage 4 & BHS Performance Coach BHSI - 29th September 2025


9.30am meet and greet

10am elementary dressage 11am adv med dressage

12-1.30 set up jumps and lunch
1.30-2.30 Sim XC up to 1.10m 2.30-3.30 private SJ up to 1.20m 3.30-4 clear arena and questions.

Price- £100

Time- 9.30pm - 4PM

6 CPD point



Avon Riding Centre,

Kings Weston Road,



BS10 7QT

Coaching training course stage 2/3 - 28th September 2025


9.30am meet and greet 10am private dressage - novice 11am flat/sj group 4 riders up to 70cm 12-1.30 lunch, theory Qs. Set up courses 1.30 sj group up to 90xm 2.30 sim xc semi private Up to 90cm 3.30-4pm arena clear Q&A.

Price- £100

Time- 9.30pm - 4PM

6 CPD point



Avon Riding Centre,

Kings Weston Road,



BS10 7QT


Ride Safe Train The Trainers - 26th February 2025

Bookings & information

Initial or Refresher Ride Safe Trainers Training

Price: £10

Time: 10am - 3pm 

6 CPD Points

Book here

Underhill Riding Stables,


Laminitis, EMS and Cushings - 19th March 2025

Bookings & information

A case based discussion with our Vets Hannah and
Lucy, talking about the importance of insulin testing and foot Xrays, along with the expert opinions of two farriers on the benefits of correct shoeing etc.
Forageplus have confirmed that they will be part of the event. Sarah will be present so you can pick her brains about managing the feeding of laminitis prone horses with a view to no laminitis.

Price: £10

Time: 6pm - 8pm 

2 CPD Points

Book here


CH7 Mold, United Kingdom

Horses Inside Out - 2nd April 2025

Bookings & information

Painted horse lecture demonstration talking about the bones
and muscles of the horse. Observing the horse statically and in motion on the flat and over jumps. Talking about ways to improve strength and way of going, on the ground and ridden.

Price: £42.50

Time: 10am - 4pm 

4 CPD Points

Book here


Lluest Equine Centre
Aberystwyth University
Ceredigion [Sir Ceredigion]
SY23 3AL

West Midlands

Introduction to Equine Kinesiology Taping - 3rd March 2025

Bookings & information

A great opportunity to learn about Equine Kinesiology taping, and the amazing benefits for horses! From understanding the science to the mechanics of the various applications this is a comprehensive day with lots of opportunity for hands on guided practice. You will learn theory, demonstration and practice for the following:
🐎Muscle fatigue and recovery
🐎Relieving pain and soreness
🐎Inflammation and swelling reduction
🐎Fascia restrictions
🐎Joint support and stabilisation
🐎Relaxation and activation of muscles A full workbook with photos
and diagrams is included with everything learnt on the day including further taping suggestions.

Price: £135

Time: 9am - 3.30pm 

4 CPD Points

Book here


Ride Out Pathway Stage 2 Rider Leader and Stage 3 Trail Leader - 4th March 2025

Bookings & information

For Stage 2 Ride Leader and Stage 3 Trail Leader and anyone considering these qualifications. Class room - Who are these qualifications for, Rolls and
Responsibilities, Understanding Map Reading and Route planning e.g. timmings, terrain, obsticles, weather etc. Lunch and overnight breaks. Ride Management, Dealing with incidents/clients, Risk Assessment, Record Keeping. Practical with horses/ volunteer clients -RL and TL will Assess Rider Competence, Ride and Lead, Ride Out and Group Management, Assess a horse for purchase. Demonstrate riding and coaching skills. 

Price: £80 For APC 

          £85 General admission

Time: 9am - 4pm 

6 CPD Points

To Book your space, please email 

The Stables

16 Fernhill


CH45 5AW


Polework Patterns - 10th March 2025

We are extremely lucky to welcome Jo Winfield FBHS to deliver this informative training day which will focus on how to improve the basic way of going using innovative polework exercises.

This training day is a fantastic opportunity for anyone looking to improve their depth of horse knowledge, it is also beneficial for anyone considering, studying or training people towards BHS Stage 4, Performance Stage 5 (BHSI) or Pony Club A/AH exams. The day is accredited as 6 CPD points for all BHS accredited coaches.

This training day is also a brilliant opportunity for riders and owners looking to further their own training knowledge.

The day will be informative and interactive, with plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion.

The focus of the day is on polework for education, training and competing.

£45* for BHS Accredited Professional Coaches (*APC number required on booking) / £55 others (All payment transactions will be subject to a small booking fee to cover the booking and payment processing charges.)

Book here


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Channel Islands

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