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Scheduled Online CPD Courses

  • Last reviewed: 5th March 2025
Calendar 1990453 640 Calendar 1990453 640

Live webinars and training to improve your knowledge and understanding.

Online scheduled CPD courses

Woodlands Training - Sarah Simpson - Various Courses

All courses start at 7pm count as 2 CPD points

For more information please visit Woodlands Training

19 Feb - BHS Stg 4 Coach Lesson Plans x 2 linked sessions (Dressage and Lunge)

20 Feb - Lungeing and Long Reining

25 Feb - Conformation 

27 Feb - Equine Acupuncture With Gemma Zaremba MRCVS ABVA 

28 Feb - BHS Risk Assessment Course - Link to this course -

4 Mar - Bones, Muscles, Tendons, Ligaments 

5 Mar - Skin Diseases

11 Mar - Modern Diagnostic Techniques

12 Mar - Modern Saddlery Boots and Studs 

18 Mar - Equine Nutrition, Competition Horses, Young Horses, Veterans 

20 Mar - Bits and Biting

25 Mar - Getting Competition Horses Fit

26 Mar - Coaching Skills relevant for all BHS qualifications

2 April - BHS Stage 4 Business Management Presentation session 1 of 4 

9 April - BHS Stage 4 Business Models Session 2 of 4.

16 April  - BHS Stage 4 Business Models. Session 2 of 4.

30 April - Grassland Management Session 4 Business Management 

1 May - Coaching Dressage 

6 May - BHS Stg 2 Coaching Lesson Plans 

7 May - Coaching Show Jumping 

12 May - BHS Stg 3 & Stg 2 Coaching Theory 

15 May - Coaching XC 

21 May - BHS Stage 3 Coaching Lesson Plans

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Dressage Ringcraft Training for Trainers various dates

These interactive webinars will be particularly useful to Stage 3 and 4 candidates as we will look at the movements from Intro to elementary.

During the Zoom we will cover …

- exactly what the Dressage Judge needs to see in a variety of movements

- breaking down training, warm up and test riding for individual types

- how the Scales of training marry up and reflect scores

- clear definitions

- the new dressage tests and what this means for us as trainers

- an opportunity to ask well established List 3a and FEI judge (Alex Gingell) anything you like! 

25th Mar 1pm-5pm Book Now

8th Apr 1pm-5pm Book Now 

Troubleshooting for Coaches - 20th January 2025, 6 Part coach development series

7pm - 8:30pm |  6 CPD points  | £60

6 part coach development webinar series delivered by a team of world class coaches and experts; designed to give coaches a fresh perspective on how they can best support riders to overcome common training issues, pinpointing
cause and effects, and giving practical solutions.


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Foundations for Excellence in Equestrian Coaching programme - 3rd, 10th,17th,24th February 2025

7pm - 8:30pm |  5  CPD points  | Special price available only to & BHS APCs & Centre APCs & Happy Brain Centres.
£139 pp

Full Price: £150pp

Elevate Morning - Centre10 Advanced Coaches - 24th February 2025

3 CPD points  | £FOC for Centre10
Coaching Hub Members, £45 for Centre10 Advanced Coaches

In this session Steffi will be exploring how
you can help your riders, and yourselves, perform to their potential. Using the
Spotlight system of "Maximise, Adapt, Perform", Steffi will take you through a
number of exercise and worksheets that will set you and your clients up for the
year ahead. Harnessing the foundations of the performance profile Spotlight,
understanding personality and adaptable traits, building awareness and working
on psychological flexibility will all be covered in this session!

9am - 12:30pm 


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Rider-Saddle Fit: Optimising Saddle Fit for the Rider - 27th February 2025

2 CPD points  | £30

The importance of correct saddle fit is widely accepted. There has been a
significant advance in our understanding of the effect that saddle fit and
design can have on equine health and performance. However, rider-saddle fit is
an area that is often overlooked but is worthy of equal consideration. This
2-hour session will discuss the anatomy and biomechanics of the rider in
relation to the saddle and discuss how the features of the saddle, i.e. seat
depth/length, knee/thigh blocks, saddle flaps, can interact with the rider.
Horse-rider-saddle interaction is complex. Therefore, this session will not only
discuss rider-saddle fit in a static position but also the dynamic interactions,
and the effect that rider-saddle fit can have on equine locomotion.

7pm - 9pm 


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BHS Risk Assessment Course - 28th February 2025
The Thorax – The Central Part of the Horse - 1st March 2025

2 CPD points  | £30

The thorax is the central part of the horse. Not only because it is where we place the saddle but also because of the many important anatomical structures related to it. The cervico-thoracic junction and the thoracic inlet with nerves and vessels, the front limbs attached to it, the inner organs and last but not least the thoraco-lumbar junction and the diaphragm. Different diagnosis related to the thorax both internally and in the muscular-skeleton system will be described and related to the Equine Myofascial Kinetic Lines.

2pm - 4pm 


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Field & Pasture Management - 3rd March 2025

2 CPD point  | £5

As we come to the end of winter, land and pasture has suffered another
winter of wet and cold weather and is not looking it's best. Join us for an
online event with Agronomist, Adam North of Pearce Seeds to find out how to best manage your land for optimum grazing and forage production. We will cover everything from soil and nutrient requirements, the types of grass to use, dangerous and toxic weeds and how to deal with them and what mechanical aids you can deploy to ensure your pasture recovers for the best results. A great evening for anyone who owns or manages land or those training towards their Stage 3 Care
or Stage 4 Senior Management Assessment. 

7:30 - 9pm 


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Equine Behaviourist or trainer? - 4th March 2025

2 CPD point  | £15

Understand Horses presents a webinar with Justine Harrison and Trudi Dempsey on the roles, methods and techniques of equine behaviour consultants and horse trainers. Key topics covered: The key differences between an equine behaviour consultant and a horse trainer How behaviourists and trainers assess equine behaviour and training needs When to call a behaviourist and when to call a trainer When you should call a veterinary behaviourist How behaviourists and trainers can work together for the horse’s benefit The science behind behaviour modification and training techniques The qualifications and experience required for each role Considerations of either role as a career Common misconceptions about both professions The importance of ethical, evidence-based approaches in working with horses Real-life case studies showcasing different approaches What’s in a name? What’s the difference between an equine behaviour consultant, a behaviourist, a behaviour specialist, an equine psychology specialist or an equine psychologist.


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The modern Side Saddle Specialist - 5th March 2025

2 CPD point  | £5

The journey to making side saddles The history of the pilch Development
of the “teenage” side saddle The comfort of horse and rider versus tradition Working together to continue side saddle riding 

7pm - 9:15pm 


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Business Support Series - Bookkeeping Basics - 6th March 2025

1 CPD point  | £15 

7 - 8pm 

Eleanor’s session will cover topics including Pricing your services
What you can claim as expenses Which records you need to keep PLUS information.about Making Tax Digital 

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Is rider size important? - 10th March 2025

2 CPD points  | £5

This online presentation is based on current scientific evidence and will explain why rider size is important. The talk will focus on factors relevant to the welfare and performance of the ridden horse. Anne will discuss: - what a weight ratio is - the effects of overloading (biomechanical, physiological, behavioural) - optimal weights for performance and welfare - the 21 factors to consider when calculating suitability of a horse and rider combination - a scoring system that will help you calculate optimal equine performance


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Practical management of limb loading in equine tendon injury rehabilitation - 16th March 2025

2 CPD points  | £30

Tendon injuries are common in equine athletes, often requiring extensive rehabilitation with a high risk of reinjury. This presentation explores the impact of load on the equine lower limb, the tendon’s response to exercise, and the mechanisms of injury. We will compare current rehabilitation approaches in both humans and horses, challenging traditional walking programs commonly used in equine tendon rehab. A case study will illustrate an alternative method for prescribing load in an equine tendon rehabilitation program

10am - 11:30am 


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The Hindquarter – The Power Engine - 22nd March 2025

2 CPD points  | £30 

2 - 4pm 

The hindquarter is where the power for the forward motion should come from. The lumbo-sacral- pelvis junctions are complex and the biomechanics can be impaired for many reasons. It can alternate the normal posture and motion. The pathology of the area will be described and related to the Equine Myofascial Kinetic Lines.


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BHS Argyll Bit Fitting Online Talk By Jane Cumberlidge - 25th March 2025

2 CPD points  | £5 

7 - 9pm 

The bit and bridle act as a communication interface between horse
and rider. Correct fit is essential for clear communication, comfort, welfare
and performance – but how do you know whether or not your bit and bridle fit
well? In this talk, Jane will cover the anatomy of the head and mouth in
relation to bit and bridle fit; how bits work and what needs to be considered
when selecting a bit; how bit and bridle fit effect the horse’s way of going and
how to assess if your current bit and bridle fit well. 

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Anthelmintic resistance and the importance of fibre for digestive health - 27th March 2025

1 CPD point  | Free

7 - 8:30pm 

In the first half of the session, Professor Jacqui Matthews BVMS PhD FRSE FRCVS, the Director of Veterinary Science at Austin Davis Biologics, will be talking about anthelmintic resistance in equine parasites, including an introduction to equine helminths and how resistance to wormers occurs. She will also cover an overview of approaches horse owners can take to help reduce resistance risk.
In the second half of the session, Katie Reeve MSc (Dist.), an Equine Nutritionist at Dengie Horse Feeds, will cover the importance of fibre for digestive health in the horse. This will include a background on the differences between fibre and forage, as well as a look into some of the key parts of the horse’s digestive system and the problems that may occur if insufficient fibre is consumed.
After the presentations there will be a live Q&A, and following the webinar, attendees will be sent a link to complete 15 multiple choice quiz questions to assess their knowledge and understanding.


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Pain in the neck, which equine cervical issues can cause poor performance? - 27th March 2025

2 CPD points  | £25

7 - 8pm 

The cervical spine plays an integral role in the biomechanics of equine
locomotion. There are various pathological conditions that can affect the region of the neck in the horse. Not all radiographic findings are related with clinical problems for the horse. The aim of the webinar is therefore to give an overview on the pathological conditions that can occur and interpret them in light of the clinical picture.

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better weaning for mare and foal - 1st April 2025

2 CPD points  | £15

Understand Horses presents a webinar with equine scientist Dr Aline Bouquet on weaning practices and their implications for health and welfare. In this webinar, equine scientist Aline Bouquet explains that a greater understanding and consideration of artificial weaning practices can empower horse owners and carers to make better informed choices. Key topics covered: What is the difference between artificial weaning and natural weaning? What are the short and long-term consequences of artificial weaning on equine physical and psychological health and welfare? How different management practices may alleviate or worsen artificial weaning stress What happens to mares during artificial weaning? Debunking myths: common misconceptions surrounding artificial weaning Practical solutions: how do I wean my foal(s) to maximise short- and long-term welfare and what can I do to help their weaning stress recovery

7 - 8:30pm 


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Sustainable worm control and further benefits of fibre for equine health - 2nd April 2025

1 CPD point  | Free

7 - 8:30pm 

Professor Jacqui Matthews BVMS PhD FRSE FRCVS, the Director of Veterinary Science at Austin Davis Biologics, will be talking about sustainable worm control in horses, including why it is important and methods that we can all implement to reduce infection risk in our horses through risk assessments and testing. In the second half of the session, Katie Reeve MSc (Dist.), an Equine Nutritionist at Dengie Horse Feeds, will outline on the importance of fibre for digestive health in the horse, but the presentation will primarily focus on the other benefits that fibre can bring to the horse’s diet. This includes as a key source of energy and nutrients, but also for supporting other aspects of horse health such as dental health, hoof health, thermoregulation, behaviour, immune function and the lymphatic system. After the presentations there will be a live Q&A, and following the webinar, attendees will be sent a link to complete 15 multiple choice quiz questions to assess their knowledge and understanding.
Equine Grass Sickness - 2nd April 2025

1 CPD point  | £5

Intro to EGS and prevalence. EGS Biobank,
reporting and interactive platform, current research. Effects of weather
conditions & risk model. Organoids, progress and potential use in diseases including EGS. EGS is the largest killer with an unknown cause in horses, yet it is still wildly unknown about. The BHS has supported the EGS biobank and is now looking to raise awareness of this disease and encourage owners through our APC's to learn more about the disease and to offer samples to the biobank if EGS is suspected.

7 - 8:30pm 


6 CPD points  | £1349 (Early bird £999) - 20 week course starting 5th April 2025

This unique training programme is delivered over 20 weeks by horse trainer and behaviourist Trudi Dempsey, who has more than 30 years experience training horses and horse owners. This comprehensive course provides the knowledge and
practical skills necessary to become a skilled horse trainer who can effectively train and support equines and their human caregivers. It covers a wide range of training objectives, from specific tasks to general behaviours, and includes equine learning theory, non-ridden activities, preparation for ridden work, and essential husbandry care practices. Selected course content is also provided by equine behaviourist Justine Harrison. Students will benefit from a thorough
understanding of how horses learn and how to safely and effectively apply a wide range of training techniques while ensuring optimal equine welfare. You will learn how to:

• Apply the principles of equine learning theory and its practical

• Train a variety of tasks including in-hand and preparation for

• Creatively apply positive reinforcement techniques for a range of

• Use chains and sequences to reduce reinforcement without stress

•Create cooperative care protocols for low stress husbandry

• Recognise and improve your creative training skills

• Set up the best training environment for your learner to succeed

• Coach humans in training their equines

• Create safe and effective training plans tailored to your learners

• Support the client

• Interpret equine body language and behaviour

• Build duration and distance in the behaviours you train

• Add cues and put behaviours under stimulus control

• Employ errorless learning techniques

• Apply frameworks that prioritise positive reinforcement-based techniques

• Troubleshoot problems your client may have

• Collect data to support training

• Conduct in-person and remote training sessions

• Set up, market and develop your business

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Understanding and Assessing Equine Pain - 12th April - 10th May 2025

6 CPD point  | Cost £279 (Early bird £199)

9am 12th April to 9am 10th May. 

This instructor-led course will give you a practical understanding of equine pain. Veterinary behaviourist Roxane Kirton, equine
behaviour consultant Justine Harrison and veterinary physiotherapist Holly Gallacher will look at how to recognise and assess equine pain and discomfort from physiological and behavioural perspectives. You will have access to 4 weeks of learning – including video lessons, group Zoom meetings for weekly live chat, discussion in a dedicated forum, real-life case studies and practical advice.
You will learn: • What pain is and how it affects the horse • The relationship between pain and behaviour • The behavioural indicators of pain • How to identify subtle signs of discomfort in the horse • How to recognise pain in the ridden horse • How to perform a clinical assessment • How to identify forelimb and hindlimb lameness • How to identify biomechanical dysfunction • The biomechanics of engagement • Case studies.
Diploma in Equine Training & Coaching - 2nd June 2025

6 CPD points  | £3250  - 10 Month course starting 2nd June 2025

NOCN, ABTC & UKRS Accredited Level 4 Equivalent Equine Behaviour Equine Training Coaching & Coaching Principles Health & Welfare.

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