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BHS Isle of Wight Mounted Games Competition

  • 9th August 2024
  • 6-9pm
  • 30
Gamespromo3 Gamespromo3

How to book

Location details

Munsley Cl, Godshill, Ventnor Po38, UK

Booking and Information

We're really excited to be launching an adults' mounted games competition! All games have been adapted so that there's no need for dismounting or vaulting on, so it's kinder on horses' backs and any ageing human joints, and it removes any horse height advantage/disadvantage so everyone can have a go! 

The competition is open to a maximum of nine teams. Teams will consist of four horses/ponies and five humans - there will be a non-riding team member in each race, so this could be the same one person all the way through (meaning you can rope in a non-rider friend) or it could be another rider who swaps into the saddle for some of the races.

We'll be doing the following races: Bending Race, Two Mug Shuffle, Quoits & Pole, Flag Race and Fish Race (the Fish Race will be cut on the night if we run short of time). Full race descriptions are below.

Entry Fee: £30 per team.
Prizes: Rosettes and prizes in kind for the first three teams. If there is enthusiasm for the competition, we'll invest in a perpetual trophy!
By kind permission of the Websters at Little Kennerley Farm.

1. Riders must be 18 years or over on the date of the competition.
2. Horses must be a minimum 14hh.
3. Horses will be mounted correctly at all times. Vaulting on to the horse is NOT allowed.
4. No whips to be carried or spurs to be worn.
5. Teams shall be made up of 4 riders and 4 horses, plus a 5th member on foot.
6. The team can take turns to ride or be the 5th member in different races, so that each member gets to ride, but it must be the same 4 horses and 5 people in each race.
7. The 5th member is an integral member of the team and in every race will be positioned behind the changeover line, at the opposite end of the arena to the start/finish line. When equipment is dropped, or a bending pole knocked over, the 5th member of the team must leave their post, retrieve the dropped/knocked item and hand it to the rider/replace it as appropriate. The rider must not continue until the 5th member has returned to their post at the bottom end of the arena - if they do, the team is eliminated from the race.
8. No rider will dismount in order to pick up any dropped or knocked over equipment – any rider dismounting or falling off during a race will eliminate their team from that race/heat.
9. Riders falling off must be checked by a first aider before remounting. They will be allowed to continue if both they and the first aider agree they can. If the first aider is not happy for them to continue, the Chief Steward’s decision will be final. Should a rider be unable to continue, the team may use their 5th member as a rider and hurriedly recruit a new unmounted team member (new team members will NOT be allowed to ride). Should a horse be unable to continue, it may be possible for another member of the team to run a race twice, i.e. go first and last in order for the team to remain in the competition. 
10. Riders/horses (all four feet) must be behind the start line before commencing the race.
11. All four feet of the incoming horse must have passed over the start/finish line before the next rider can cross the line and enter the field of play. Any rider moving off before the incoming horse has passed over the line will render the team eliminated from the race.
12. Riders who have completed their part of the race must wait in position until all teams have completed the race and the starter has signalled they may return to the top of the arena.
13. Reins cannot be knotted during any race.
14. If the whistle is blown during a race it indicates a safety incident and all riders must halt. The Chief Steward will restart the race when it is safe to continue.
15. Teams should wear a team shirt to easily identify them.
16. The last rider in each race must wear a hat band (to be provided by each team) to assist the finish line judge (to be provided by each team). This can be a hi-viz, or homemade white band. The last rider does not have to be the same in every race, the band can be swapped between teammates.
17. Riding helmets to current standards, with chinstraps done up, and suitable footwear must be worn by all 5 team members at all times in the arena. Helmets must be worn at all times when mounted on site at the event.
18. Hitting, rough handling, or any ill treatment of a horse will result in elimination for the team from that race. In extreme circumstances, the team will be disqualified from the competition. The Chief Steward’s decision on this is final.
19. Only team members and officials are allowed into the field of play.
20. Any appropriately fitted tack may be worn (Western saddles fine!) - it is the rider’s responsibility to ensure tack is safe and fit for the purpose.
21. It is the rider’s responsibility to ensure the horse is fit and well to compete, and that the horse and rider combination are appropriately sized for each other. Any horse/combination causing serious concern will be withdrawn from the competition and entry fees will be forfeit - the Chief Steward’s decision is final.
22. Teams must attend a short briefing before the start of the competition.
23. In a dispute in relation to any aspect of the competition, the decision of the Chief Steward is final.
24. Entry fees are £30 per team. Team members can be substituted up until the start of the competition briefing on the day - team managers must ensure that the organiser has all correct members' names up-to-date at the briefing. Should your team have to withdraw, your fees will be refunded if we can fill your place with a team from the waiting list - if we're unable to do so, unfortunately you will forfeit your entry fee. If the event has to be cancelled, entry fees will be refunded in full. 

Please note these race descriptions and rules must be read in conjunction with the ‘General Rules’ above. General rules apply to all races. The race rules will be explained, and any queries answered, in the team briefing on the day of the competition. 
There will be three heats and a final for each race. A random selection draw will take place before the day to decide which teams go into which heat. The winning team in each heat will go into the final for each race. Only the final will score points – 3 points for the winner down to 1 point for third place. Points awarded in each final are accumulated to decide the overall result.

Four or five poles (depending on the size of the arena) are placed in a line in the ground, approximately 10 metres apart. All four riders line up at the top of the arena behind the start/finish line. Rider one carries a baton.

On the signal to start (a whistle), rider 1 rides down the arena and back again, weaving through the bending poles. On crossing the start/finish line the baton is handed to rider 2. Riders 2, 3 and 4 repeat the process until rider four crosses the finish line carrying the baton.

If a rider knocks over a bending pole, she/he must stop and wait until the 5th team member has replaced it and has returned to their position at the end of the arena. Only then can the rider continue. A dropped baton must be retrieved in the same way.

Tin mugs are placed on the top of the first and third poles along the arena. Riders 1 and 3 will line up, behind the start/finish line, at the top of the arena. Riders 2 and 4 will line up at the bottom end of the arena, behind the changeover line.

On the signal to start, rider 1 rides straight down the line of poles (not weaving between them) moving the first mug from pole one to two and the second mug from pole three to four and then continues to cross the changeover line. Rider 2 rides straight up the arena replacing the mugs to their start position. Riders 3 and 4 repeat until rider 4 crosses the finish line with the mugs in their start position on poles one and three.

If a mug is dropped the rider must stop and wait until the equipment is retrieved and handed back to them by the 5th team member, who then returns to their place at the bottom of the arena. Only then can the rider continue with the race. 

A bending pole is placed in the centre of the arena. The 5th member of the team stands at the bottom of the arena, holding four quoits (rubber rings). All four riders line up at the top of the arena behind the start/finish line.

On the signal to start, rider 1 rides to the bottom of the arena and is handed a quoit by the 5th member. Rider 1 then rides back towards the top of the arena puts the quoit over the pole and carries on to cross the start/finish line before the next rider can start. Rider 2 repeats the process, as does riders 3 and 4. The race is complete when rider 4 passes the finish line and all four quoits are over the pole.

If a quoit is dropped in the field of play or the pole knocked over, the rider must stop and wait for the 5th member to hand the quoit to them or reposition the pole. The 5th member must have returned to their position at the bottom end of the arena before the rider can continue.

A bucket is placed in the centre of the arena. A dish containing four rolled up socks is placed on the top of the last bending pole, near the bottom end of the arena. All four riders line up behind the start/finish line and the 5th member of the team is in position at the bottom end of the arena.

Rider 1 rides down the arena to the last pole and picks up a sock. They then ride back up the arena, depositing the sock into the bucket on the way. Once rider 1 has crossed over the start/finish line, rider 2 can start. The process is then repeated by riders 2, 3 and 4. The race is complete when rider 4 crosses the finish line and all four socks are in the bucket.

If a sock is dropped on to the ground at any point or when attempting to put it into the bucket, the rider must stop and wait for the 5th member of the team to retrieve it and hand it back to them. The 5th member must have returned to their position at the bottom end of the arena before the rider can continue.

Two flag holders are placed in line – one near the top of the arena and one near the bottom. A flag is placed in the holder near the bottom of the arena. Riders 1 and 3 will line up at the top of the arena behind the start/finish line. Riders 2 and 4 will line up at the bottom of the arena behind the changeover line. Rider 1 carries a flag.

Rider 1 rides to the first flag holder at the top of the arena and places the flag into it. He/she then continues to the flag holder at the bottom of the arena, collects the flag, crosses the changeover line at the bottom of the arena and hands the flag to rider 2.

Rider 2 places the flag in the empty holder at the bottom of the arena, rides to the holder at the top of the arena, collects the flag, crosses the start/finish line and hands it to rider 3. Riders 3 and 4 repeat the process. The race is complete when rider 4 crosses the finish line carrying the flag.

Flags can be inserted in the flag holder either way up. Riders can continue with just the stick part of the flag if the fabric part is detached. If a flag is dropped while attempting to deposit or collect a flag from the holder, the rider must stop and wait until the 5th team member has retrieved it for them. The 5th member must have returned to their position at the bottom end of the arena before the rider can continue.

RACE 6 - THE FISH RACE (This race will be dropped in the interests of time if necessary!)
A bucket is placed half way down the arena containing four fish, and the 5th member stands at the bottom of the arena with a gibbet. Rider 1 has a pole & hook, rides to the bucket and hooks a fish, then rides to the bottom of the arena where the 5th member removes the fish from the pole and places it on the gibbet. Rider 1 returns to the start/finish line and hands the pole to Rider 2. Riders 2, 3 and 4 repeat the process until all four fish are on the gibbet and rider 4 crosses the finish line carrying the pole.

If a fish is dropped in the field of play then the 5th team member has to retrieve it, place it back on the hook and return to their place at the bottom of the arena before the rider can continue. A dropped pole must be retrieved in the same way.


Little Kennerley Farm, Munsley Lane, Godshill, PO38 3LX