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BHS Assessments resources

Here you will find resources to support your training of learners working through the BHS Career Pathway assessments.

  • Last reviewed: 28th February 2025
Complete Horsemanship 1 Complete Horsemanship 1

As BHS Accredited Professionals, you will be coaching the future members of the equestrian industry, and we will signpost potential candidates your way to aid with their training and development towards achieving their qualifications. 

Find out more about our Career Pathways here.

Qualification updates

Stage 1

A revised Stage 1 syllabus will be live for delivery from 1 March 2025

A general review of Stage 1 Care and Ride took place in 2025 following consultations with trainers, centres and candidates. The consultation confirmed the content remains current. Requests to simplify the language were taken on board.

As an action, we have reviewed the content in the assessment guidance column to simplify and adding a ‘range’ where appropriate to make the possible content that may be assessed clearer. The Learning Outcome and Assessment Criteria language has been simplified. Two new assessment criteria have been added (refer to 4.1 and 7.1 in the syllabus) to add depth of content regarding the introduction of horse welfare and wellbeing.

The design of the new syllabus has been updated with added guidance for reading and interpreting the information.

How the assessment is delivered remains unchanged.

If you train candidates for the Stage 1, please ensure you are familiar with the new content and all updates.

Support for you

You should also ensure you are familiar with our ‘new look’ Stages pages which contains additional information you can signpost candidates too.

Stage 3

A revised Stage 3 Ride Jump syllabus will be live for delivery from 1 March 2025

A 2024 review concluded in the heights of fences for show jumping and cross-country to be amended. This brings the Stage 3 jumping in parity with the jumping criteria at other level 3 vocational qualifications and standards currently on the Regulated Qualifications Framework. Parity between standards at the same level is important, as this helps employers to understand the abilities of their workforce more clearly. We surveyed employers who employ, or are likely to employ, grooms or riders qualified to level 3/Stage 3 or equivalent. The consultation confirmed that the majority of employers surveyed do not require riders to show jump 1m or higher, or jump cross-country fences 90cm or higher in order to employ them at level 3/Stage 3 or equivalent. Therefore, amending the heights of fences would not disadvantage successful learners from gaining employment at level 3/Stage 3.

The amends are as follows:

  • The height of jumping efforts have been amended for the Stage 3 Riding syllabus as follows:
    • Show Jumping: from 1m to 90cm
    • Cross-country: from 91cm to 80cm
  • We have also added guidance within the syllabus for candidates to consider the use of the fences for schooling the horse to maintain training. As per the focus for Stage 3 Ride, the jumping is not a competition round but a schooling round to maintain the horse’s level of training. This applies to show jumping and cross-country sections.

How the assessment is delivered remains unchanged.

If you train candidates for the Stage 3 Ride Jump, please ensure you are familiar with the new content and all updates.

Support for you

You should also ensure you are familiar with our ‘new look’ Stages pages which contains additional information you can signpost candidates too.

APC Training Videos

We have a comprehensive list of videos to support your delivery of training towards BHS Stages 1-3 Assessments. These videos will support coaches who are preparing candidates for BHS assessments. They also include topics such as caller guidance and Skills Record sign off.

View our APC playlist

If you do train candidates, don’t forget to direct them to our Career Pathway Training videos which gives them an insight into what to expect at their assessment.

View our candidate playlist

Signing the Stages 1 - 3 Skills Record

In preparation for the assessments and a requirement for the qualification is the  Skills Record. 

The Skills Record is a booklet that will help support and assist candidates by recording their achievements in preparation for their assessments. 

The Skills Records must be signed off by an Accredited Professional or Approved Centre Coach with the relevant qualification at least one level higher than qualification being signed off.  

You can find a downloadable version of the Stages 1-3 Skills Record here. 

Download APC guidance to support your role in signing off Stages 1-3 Skills Records.

Watch our helpful videos on signing off the Skills Record

Signing the Stage 4 Skills Record

The revised Stage 4 qualifications, and their subsequent units, will require the learners to have their Stage 4 Skills Record signed off before the assessment day.  Before signing off the Stage 4 Skills Record you MUST attend a Stage 4 Induction Call.

To sign off the Stage 4 Skills Record you must be a BHS Accredited Professional and be qualified to either of the two options described below: 

  1. Qualified to at least one level higher for the assessment they are signing off and hold a teaching or coaching qualification
  2. Qualified to at least one level higher for the assessment they are signing off and hold a Ride Leader or Riding Out qualification at Level 2, or above.

You can find a downloadable version of the Stages 4 Skills Record here. 

If you have met the requirements above you will be listed as as a Stage 4 Accredited Trainer. 

Stage 4 Trainer Induction Call

Video calls

Video calls are about one hour long with up to 10 coaches. Once you have confirmed your booking you will be emailed the joining instructions and further training information to read before the call. Click on the date to book your space. 

Upcoming dates

Stage 4 Trainer Calls – 2025 dates


Trainer Guidance

We recommend any trainer or learner for the Stage 4 should read the Trainer Guidance. It provides an outline to the Stage 4 qualifications and gives examples for the level and depth of knowledge required. 

Direct Entry to BHS Assessments

We accept Recognition of Prior Learning as a way for candidates to begin their assessments at a higher level than Stage 1. This is sometimes also referred to as ‘Direct Entry’. Part of an application for direct entry may require the candidate to submit a reference from a BHS APC or Approved Centre Coach. We recommend you are familiar with our Recognition of Prior Learning guidance and process.

Find out more about direct entry

Read our guidance for writing references


Convenient access to all current syllabus if you are training candidates for assessments.

Qualification Specifications (Syllabus)