If you’re thinking about buying or loaning a horse, make sure you take on board as much information about their care as possible before making your final decision. As well as your love and care, your horse will need a lot of your time and dedication. Taking care of a horse is also a significant financial responsibility, so make sure that you understand what all the everyday costs are likely to add up to, and bear in mind that there will occasionally be unexpected costs for things like emergency vet care.
Horse passports
Passports are a vital piece of documentation and while form-filling can be a bit onerous, it is really important to comply with all the guidelines. Under current legislation, all horses must be microchipped and have a passport.

Why choose a BHS Approved Livery Yard?
If you’re looking for a livery yard for your equine friend, you want the peace of mind of knowing your horse is in safe hands.

Find a livery yard
Make sure you and your horse are in safe hands by choosing one of our BHS Approved Centres. BHS Approval means a yard or establishment is insured for public liability and complies with the latest health and safety legislation, and is regularly subject to unannounced annual inspections for your peace of mind.