On this page, we provide guidance and advice on this high priority topic:
- What is a safeguarding concern?
- Our safeguarding policy (view our Safeguarding Children & Young People Policy and Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures)
- Where to go for help
- Safeguarding for equestrians training courses
- Further guidance
- Further Support, Organisations and link
A good starting point is remembering that:
- Safeguarding children and adults at risk is everyone’s responsibility
- Children and adults at risk have a right to be safe and should be protected from all forms of abuse and neglect
- It is better to help children and adults at risk as early as possible, before issues escalate and become more damaging
- Children and adults at risk and their families are best supported and protected when there is a co-ordinated response from all relevant agencies
Where to go for help
Any concerns can be reported via your club or centre safeguarding officer, directly to the BHS Safeguarding team or to the appropriate external organisation.
If you need further information or advice you can contact the BHS Safeguarding team or one of the organisations below:-
BHS Safeguarding team
- Telephone: 02476 840746
- Email: safeguarding@bhs.org.uk
- Confidential email: cpleadofficer@bhs.org.uk
Childline: 0800 1111
NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
Ann Craft Trust - Safeguarding Adults in Sport: ann-craft-trust@nottingham.ac.uk
999 - if a child or young person is in immediate danger or needs medical attention
Serious concerns can be reported to child protection units within local police forces, children’s social care services or local safeguarding children's boards.
Further information
British Equestrian
Childline & NSPCC
The NSPCC has introduced a sport specific page for young people interested in sport. Topics include: