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Stage 3

Do what you love. Work with horses and gain professional qualifications at the same time.

  • Last reviewed: 6th March 2025
Trent Park Equestran Oct 17 7678 Brighter Trent Park Equestran Oct 17 7678 Brighter

About Stage 3

Do you dream about working with horses? Our Stage 3 qualifications will provide you with tools to do just that. This could be as a freelance Accredited Professional Coach or Groom, as self-employed offering the flexibility to set your own hours and salary or employed within a centre or other establishment. Whatever your goals are, Stage 3 will give your clients and employer confidence in your ability at this level. 

There are nine qualifications at Stage 3. What you will learn and be assessed on depends on which Stage 3 qualification you choose.

Click on the links in the table below to read the qualification syllabus.

Qualification Assessments to take - current BHSQ unit
BHSQ Level 3 Groom (Stage 3) Stage 3 Care Stage 3 Lunge
BHSQ Level 3 Groom with Riding - Complete (Stage 3) Stage 3 Care Stage 3 Lunge Stage 3 Ride Dressage Stage 3 Ride Jump
BHSQ Level 3 Groom with Riding - Dressage (Stage 3) Stage 3 Care Stage 3 Lunge Stage 3 Ride Dressage
BHSQ Level 3 Groom with Riding - Jump (Stage 3) Stage 3 Care Stage 3 Lunge Stage 3 Ride Jump
BHSQ Level 3 Coaching Riders (Stage 3) Stage 3 Coaching
BHSQ Level 3 Coach in Complete Horsemanship (Stage 3) Stage 3 Care Stage 3 Lunge Stage 3 Ride Dressage Stage 3 Ride Jump Stage 3 Coaching
BHSQ Level 3 Coach - Dressage Ride (Stage 3) Stage 3 Care Stage 3 Lunge Stage 3 Ride Dressage Stage 3 Coaching
BHSQ Level 3 Coach - Jump Ride (Stage 3) Stage 3 Care Stage 3 Lunge Stage 3 Ride Jump Stage 3 Coaching
BHS Stage 3 Trail Leader Stage 3 Care Stage 3 Riding Out

What will I have to do?

Stage 3 assessments are carried out at BHS Approved Riding Centres.

Underpinning all activities is the safety and welfare of yourself, the horse and others. Safe practice will be at the forefront of your training and should be followed throughout your assessment.


Stage 3 Care

You will be assessed on:

  • Roles and responsibilities of a groom and employment rights.
  • Legislation that applies to running a yard.
  • Fitting and evaluating tack and equipment for flatwork and jumping.
  • Nutritional requirements.
  • How to improve a horse’s fitness.
  • Anatomy and physiology including respiratory and cardiovascular systems and anatomy of the lower leg.
  • Assessing conformation.
  • Health care including taking their temperature, pulse and respiration rate (TPR), a range of health conditions affecting horses, recognising lameness and quality of life awareness.
  • Managing stereotypical behaviour and handling horses in a variety of situations.
  • Managing turn out areas.

Watch our Care video

Stage 3 Lunge

Stage 3 Lunge focuses on your ability to lunge a horse to maintain their level of training.

You will be assessed on:

  • Knowledge of how lungeing contributes to a horse’s training.
  • Lungeing a horse to maintain their level of training.
  • Evaluating your lunge sessions.
Stage 3 Rider

Stage 3 Ride Dressage

Stage 3 Ride Dressage will assess your ability to ride and maintain a horse’s level of flatwork training with the welfare of the horse central to your riding.
You will cover:
  • Knowledge of the Training Scale.
  • Riding horses to maintain their level of training.
  • Assessing horses’ way of going while riding.
  • Lateral work, for example leg yield, turn on and about the forehand.
  • Selecting and using exercises relevant to the individual horse.
  • Evaluating your ridden sessions.
Watch our video here
Bhs Stage3 Ride Jump

Stage 3 Ride Jump

Stage 3 Ride Jump will assess your ability to ride and maintain a horse’s level of training over fences with the welfare of the horse central to your riding.

You will be assessed on:

  • Knowledge of introducing horses to jumping.
  • Knowledge of progressing horses’ jumping skills.
  • Walking show jump and cross country courses.
  • Warming horses up and preparing for show jumping and cross country.
  • Riding horses over show jumps (up to eight fences, maximum height 90 centimetre).
  • Riding horses over cross country courses (up to eight fences, maximum height 80 centimetres).
  • Evaluating your show jump and cross country rounds.
Watch our video here

Stage 3 Coaching

Stage 3 Coaching will progress your coaching skills to be able to deliver a variety of coaching sessions.

You will be assessed on:

  • Roles and responsibilities of a coach.
  • Coaching safely.
  • Effective communication skills.
  • Planning and delivering coaching sessions.
  • Coaching a private flatwork session (up to Novice level Dressage - 30 minutes coaching plus 20 minutes discussion with the assessor).
  • Coaching a semi-private simulated cross country session (up to 80 centimetres - 40 minutes coaching plus 10 minute discussion with the assessor).
  • Evaluating your coaching sessions.
  • Self-development including continuous professional development.
Watch our Coaching video
Stage 2 Riding Out

Stage 3 Riding Out

Alongside taking care of horses and clients, this assessment demonstrates you have the required knowledge and skills to manage a number of horses on a day-to-day basis and while out on a long ride or trek.

You will:

  • Know the roles and responsibilities of a Stage 3 Trail Leader.
  • Plan extended rides with a duration of more than four hours.
  • Lead a ride with a dismounted break.
  • Prepare riders for an extended ride.
  • Train others to be able to ride and lead.
  • Train others to be able to escort rides.
  • Assess a horse’s suitability for trekking.
  • Evaluate your performance.

How to get started

We can help you to find lots of different training opportunities, depending on how you like to learn.

1. Practical training
  • We encourage you to find training from a suitably qualified person.
  • Some BHS Approved Centres run courses over a set number of weeks, often with the assessment at the end. Find your nearest course.
  • You can also contact a BHS Approved Centre directly if we don’t have a course listed on our website or if you want to find training that’s a bit more flexible or on a one-to-one basis. Find a BHS Approved Centre near you.
  • If you have your own horse or horses you could also train with a BHS Accredited Professional Coach who could visit your yard. They will help to prepare you for your assessments and build up your knowledge and skills. Find an Accredited Professional Coach.
  • We also have a dedicated closed Facebook group for people requesting or advertising training for BHS assessments. Join the Facebook group.
  • The amount and type of training required for Stage 3 qualifications will be based on your experience and current knowledge and ability. Your coach should be able to advise you on how much training you will require. For the Care, Lunge, Ride and Coaching assessments, you or your coach may refer to the guidance in the full qualification syllabus regarding total qualification time and guided learning hours recommendations.
2. Self-study

There are also options to ‘top up’ your training with some home-learning. 

For our Care, Lunge, Ride and Coaching assessments, our ‘BHS Complete Horsemanship Volume 3’ is our essential guide. If you’re working towards our Riding Out assessment, our ‘BHS Riding Out’ will support your preparation. Visit our online shop.

We have a series of ‘How to…’ videos which covers some of the skills you will be learning about. View our video library.

We also have lots of helpful advice on horse care and welfare to top up your knowledge.

3. How to book your assessment

Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride can be taken on the same assessment day. However, you have options to take them separately if you prefer. Stage 3 Coaching will be held over one assessment day. Stage 3 Riding Out and Stage 3 Care can also be taken on the same assessment day.

Booking your assessment is quick and easy. View our assessment dates and call us on 02476 840508 (during office hours) or alternatively, book your assessment online. Remember to have your BHS Membership number and a credit or debit card to hand for payment. If you’re under 18, we need parent or carer consent to book the assessment. Payment plans are available.

4. Entry requirements
  • Entry requirements for Stage 3 Care and Lunge · Stage 2 Care and lunge or equivalent via direct entry. You must be at least 16 years old on the day of the assessment.
  • Entry requirements for Stage 3 Ride Dressage and Ride Jump · Stage 2 Ride or equivalent via direct entry. You must be at least 16 years old on the day of the assessment.

  • Entry requirements for Stage 3 Coaching · Stage 2 Coaching or equivalent via direct entry. You must be at least 18 years old on the day of the assessment.

  • Entry requirements for Stage 3 Riding Out - Stage 2 Riding Out or equivalent via direct entry. You must be at least 18 years old on the day of the assessment.

Additional entry requirements for BHS Stage 3:

  • Gold Membership. International Students to be International Full or International E-Members.

  • Skills Record. The completion of your Skills Record is not required to book your assessment but must be completed before you take your assessment. Further information regarding the Skills Record is below.

Assessment fees

Stage 3 Care assessment


Stage 3 Lunge assessment


Stage 3 Ride Dressage assessment


Stage 3 Ride Jump assessment


Stage 3 Ride Dressage and Jump (Same day) assessment


Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride assessment

(same day assessment)


Stage 3 Coaching assessment


Stage 3 Riding Out assessment


We’re here to support you

We are delighted to offer our Career Transition Fund for those working towards Stage 3 assessments.

There may be other funding available to you too.

If you feel you would like additional support at an assessment please follow our Access Arrangements guidance. 

If you need a bit more guidance or you’re not sure where to start, our friendly team will be happy to help. Simply get in touch by phone (02476 840508) or use our enquiry form.

What will I get from Stage 3 qualifications?

Do you dream of working with horses? The Stage 3 qualifications can lead to just that, opening the door to many different career opportunities such as groom or coach in a variety of settings, yards and riding schools. Prefer to be out and about? Our Trail Leader qualifications will allow you to work within a riding school or trekking centre facility.

By completing your Stage 3 qualifications, you will provide endorsement of your skills and knowledge at this level to any prospective employer, showing that not only can you work safely and independently, but that you are committed to your own professional development.

BHSQ regulated qualifications have been allocated UCAS tariff points.

Want to keep going? Stage 3 is also a stepping stone to Stage 4 where you can continue to improve your skills, knowledge and your career even further.

Full qualification syllabus

You can download the full qualification including the syllabi for the BHSQ qualifications here

Download the Riding Out syllabus here.

Your trainer will be able to explain anything you are unsure of and work through the syllabus with you in preparation for your assessment.

Information about the assessment day

All BHS assessments are involve practical tasks and discussion with the assessor.

The Stage 3 Care, Lunge, Ride Dressage and Ride Jump assessments can all be taken on the same day or if you prefer can be booked for separate occasions. If all units are taken on the same day the Care, Lunge, Ride Dressage and Ride Jump is a full day assessment (approximately, 8.30am-5.15pm). Short breaks in-between sections, and a lunch break of 30 minutes will be allocated throughout the day.

The Stage 3 Coaching assessment will be held on a separate day to the Care, Lunge and Ride. This is a half day assessment (approximately four hours from start to finish). Some short breaks in-between sections will be allocated throughout the day.

The Stage 3 Riding Out assessment is a half day assessment (approximately four hours from start to finish). Short breaks in-between will be allocated throughout the day. If you are also completing the Stage 3 Care assessment on the same day, your assessment will be a full day, with a lunch break of 30 minutes included.

If you are not taking any assessment in full, you may be required to be at the assessment centre for longer than the time allocated for that activity. Your activity or unit may not follow straight away after the assessment welcome and introduction. You may be required to wait for your section to begin.

To find out more about how your assessment may be delivered, take a look at our example assessment timings.

Skills Record

The Skills record is designed to support you as you train for your Stage 3 assessments. You will need to have this signed off by an Accredited Professional Coach (APC) or at a BHS Approved Riding Centre before you take your assessment. 

Find out more about the skills record.

Other information you need to know

Our qualifications are delivered to the highest standards possible. We have policies and procedures that we follow before, during and after the assessment. This makes sure that our assessments are fair and offer you the best quality and service we can provide. We encourage you (or your parent or carer) to be familiar with our policies and our assessment terms and conditions. These explain what you can expect from us and what we expect from you as a candidate at a BHS assessment.

BHS assessments policies

BHS assessment terms and conditions

Your experience and satisfaction are very important to us. If you wish to give us feedback we welcome you to contact us.

IGEQ Equestrian Passport
A BHSQ Stage 3 Coach can apply for an IGEQ Level 1 Equestrian Passport.
The Equestrian Passport offers easy to carry confirmation of coaching qualifications.
It enables coaches to have their qualifications recognised and accepted in IGEQ member countries, thus easing the difficulties of teaching in other parts of the world (subject to national legal requirements).

BHS Qualifications (BHSQ) is an awarding organisation recognised and regulated by the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator (Ofqual) in England, SQA Accreditation in Scotland, Qualifications Wales (QW) and the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) in Northern Ireland. BHSQ works in partnership with a variety of organisations to develop and award qualifications for the equestrian industry. This makes sure BHSQ qualifications are fit for purpose for the sector.

As the awarding organisation, BHSQ is responsible for the processes which learners undertake to obtain certification. BHSQ is responsible for verifying that assessment practice in approved centres is conducted systematically, effectively, securely and to national standards specified within the qualification.

The British Horse Society (BHS) is approved as a centre to deliver qualifications regulated by BHSQ. BHSQ and the BHS developed these qualifications in line with feedback received from extensive industry consultation.

Learners taking BHSQ Level 3 (Stage 3) qualifications will either be seeking employment in the industry or will already be employed with a desire to progress their career by advancing their skills and knowledge. It is essential these qualifications meet the needs of employers and learners. To satisfy these requirements, the qualifications have been developed in collaboration with employers, colleges, coaches, students, and expert groups.

BHSQ awards and regulates the following Stage 3 qualifications:

  • BHSQ Level 3 Groom (Stage 3)
  • BHSQ Level 3 Groom with Riding - Complete (Stage 3)
  • BHSQ Level 3 Groom with Riding - Dressage (Stage 3)
  • BHSQ Level 3 Groom with Riding - Jump (Stage 3)
  • BHSQ Level 3 Coaching Riders (Stage 3)
  • BHSQ Level 3 Coach in Complete Horsemanship (Stage 3)
  • BHSQ Level 3 Coach – Dressage Ride (Stage 3)
  • BHSQ Level 3 Coach – Jump Ride (Stage 3)

BHS Accredited Professionals membership

Your Stage 3 qualification will be the gateway to your professional membership and accreditation in the industry. The BHS’s Accredited Professionals Coach or Groom membership will provide you with a competitive package of exclusive benefits and resources alongside a supportive community, for all you need to work self-employed. An exceptional insurance package can be added to your membership for peace of mind.

Find out more
Front Panel 3

Next step - Stage 4

Take your career to the next level. Showcase your competency, professionalism, and desire to make sure the welfare of the horse is at heart of what you do.

Stage 4
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